
Joined: February 2, 2011
Last Seen: 2 weeks
Birthday: November 13
user id: 150777
Location: MA
Gender: F

My Name is

A woman taken by the wind

Take my hand and together we'll find


Quotes by mariah_love1369

sometimes I feel like a catipliar
wrapped tight in a cacoon of pain
except no matter how hard I struggle I don't break free
and I don't transform into something beautiful

I stay stuck, alone in this blanket of agony
while my emotions suffocate me
I try to hold on with all I have
because I'm still  waiting for my chance to become a




I gazed into your eyes and that's when i knew
             forever was going to be real this time

I'm on the outside
I'm looking in 
I can see through you
see your true colors
inside you're ugly, you're ugly like me
I can see through you
see to the real you

you've been mine for 6 months now

28 weeks
182.621 days
4,382 hours
262,974 minutes

&i can't seem to get enough.

i love you stephen


The eyes are clear and blue like the ocean surrounding a tropical island, Lips as red as blood as soon as it leaves the vein A smile that holds back the evil thoughts locked inside her head. Her kiss releases pleasure into the system, intoxicating you until the intoxicating euphoria turns toxic, poisonous;deadly and she leaves you gasping for air and trying to hold on to the small amount of life you have left. Those eyes as clear as day only take one last glance at you until she leaves you there to become a rotting corpse.. nothing but an empty shell

Was the title I gave to you after everything we’d experienced together. I trusted you with everything , as you trusted me. I was new to town, nervous and quiet, afraid to speak. You befriended me and for that I will always be grateful. we had sleepovers and shared secrets, we went through some of the worst times of our life together and even some of the best. I had your back till the end and I thought you had mine. My first real heart shattering experience you were there to help me through it and when you got your heartbroken I was right next to you returning the favor. I ignored what people told me about you, because rumors are just rumors and I believed that getting to know someone was a lot more important than listening to petty rumors spread around. But I should have listened. I didn’t care if you had a bad reputation or if everyone in this small town hated you, you were my bestfriend. Over time though you started to change. I don’t know if it was the we/ed or getting a boyfriend but you weren’t the person I thought you were. As I sit here writing this I know I should be typing with fury falling from the tips of my fingers onto the keys but instead tears are spilling with hurt and sadness. I never thought you were going to stab me in the back and twist the knife, everyone told me but I wouldn’t believe it. You wouldn’t do that to me, not your bestfriend. I had too much faith in you, faith you didn’t deserve. You talked bad about me, called me horrible names and told people things about me that I told you in confidence. I never thought there would be a day were we wouldn't friends, I never would have imagined this two years ago. But you’re not the same person who embraced me with open arms in 8th grade. You’re a manipulating, lying, fake person who will do anything to get high. In the end I’m glad I’ve gotten rid of someone so rotten from my life but there will always be some piece of me that misses my old bestfriend.

Live fast, die young
Be wild 
& have fun



you said everything would be fine but, we both knew it was a damn lie..



I feel bad for this generation of young kids. They're so wrapped up in their iphones,laptops and other electronics they won't get to experience a real childhood. They won't go outside and play manhunt or tag on warm summer nights, or ride their bikes around the neiboorhood. They won't know the mystery of knocking on a neihboors door to see if their friend is home. Kids these days don't know the beauty of not being able to have all these devices to comunicate and entertainin themselves. They won't get to know the wonder of what being a child really means.

There comes a time in your life were you have to decide between
letting yourself be miserable

or creating the life you want so you can be happy

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