
Joined: February 2, 2011
Last Seen: 1 month
Birthday: November 13
user id: 150777
Location: MA
Gender: F

My Name is

A woman taken by the wind

Take my hand and together we'll find


Quotes by mariah_love1369

you're so sweet you give me cavities
Tomorrow I turn 16.
Ever sense I was a little girl I dreamed of this day, i meann who didn't? you get to drive,have more independance and it's such a big number in your childish mind. It's something you look forward too. Now that the day is almost here I'm still excited but it's finally hitting me that I'm not a child anymore and I'm a few short years from not being a teenager anymore. I know I have two years to go until I graduate but these years are flashing before my eyes. Soon I'll be on my own at college, completley independent and that scares me. I'm of course curious and excited about starting new things in my life but I'm also so scared that I'm not going to make it  in life the way I have it planned in my head. I look at my younger cousins who have grown so fast I can only imagine how my parents must feel. I can still remember my 5th grade year and being so nervous for middle school and the first day of freshman year excited for the wonders of highschool. But as a sophmore it hits you hard that you only have this last year before you start persuing college, taking SATs and determining the grade point average that will be put on all your college applications. Being a teenger is one hell of a road and I can only imagine how adult hood must be. When they told me you don't want to grow up too fast they were right, I haven't even rushed my childhood and it's already gone by at lightning speed. So to all those wittians out there still in middle school: don't take the easy school work for granted and slack off or not do your homework because those habbits are hard to break, repsect your parents becuase when you realize you won't have them to rely on as much you're going to wish you did, and most importantly be the age you are. Don't try to act older and do things older people do becuase it's "cool" obecause trust me you're going to get plenty of chances to be a teenager. To the freshman out there this year is your easiest year in high school so I wouldn't get used to how easy it is and if you think it's hard then work your butt off and study hard because it's only going to get a lot harder and more demanding.  The age of 15 wasn't what I thought it would be so let's hope 16 will be everything I dreamed of and more.
My boyfriend walks me home everyday.
We always stop at the park by my house routinley for about a half hour. 
Today we got into a stupid argument while walking
and didn't talk most of the way there,
until we kissed and made up.
when we got to the park we started talking about some emotional things.
That made me feel sort of bad about myself and how I am as a girlfriend.
Being the emotional teenage girl I am I started to cry;
putting my head down so he wouldn't seee.
I was sitting on the  swing and he was standing.
He crouched down to my level, looked at me and asked
"are you crying?"
I just nodded my head because there was no use denying it.
Then he does the sweetest thing
He takes my glasses off, pushes my hair out of my face, wipes my tears away with his tumb;

Grabs my face & Kisses me
If that's not romantic then i don't know what is.

"she just wants to love herself"
I've seen my people's dreams die
Iv'e seen what they can be denied 
and "we/eds not a drug"- that's denial
Groundhog Day life repeat each time
I've seen oxycotin take three lives
I grew up with them,we used to cheif dimes
I've seen cocaine bring out the demons inside
cheatin and lyin
friendship cease no peace in the mind
stealing and takin anything to fix the peices inside
Broken, hopless, headed nowhere 
only motivation for what the dealer's supplying
That rush, that drug, that dope
Those pills,that crumb, that roach

Thinking I would never do that, not that drug
and growing up everyone always does
Until you're stuck looking in the mirror like i can't believe what i've become
swore i was gonna be someone
and growing up everyone always does
we sell our dreams and our potential to escape through that buzz
just keep me up, keep me up
Hollywood here we come

The need to be skinny wraps me into a tight ball and leaves me submerged with words of self hatred. food disqusts me now and eating makes me feel worthless, unapealing. working out never seems enough for my brain washed head and i cry in fustration because i don't know what's left for me to do. That small voice whispers for me to stick two slim fingers down my throat and get rid of that toxic waste; that is food out of my system.Before i get any fatter than i am. Sometimes it tells me not to eat anything because no calories are the only good kind. I'm never at peace with my body, it's always a constant war. And i will do ANYTHING to win.
A hole in my heart leaks midnight blood and lonliness;
chilling my soul and mind everyday.
Until you came along.
You filled the hole like a lost piece to a beautiful puzzle.
Warming my heart and rendering me complete again.

"An eye for an eye and the whole world will soon be blind"
you kissed me with those lips that make my head spin

  little did i know they had the power to destroy

    with one kiss you masked all the lies 

     you made me believe that you wanted me

     you distracted me with those destructive lips  

     and plunged your greedy hands into my chest

     taking a hold of my innocent heart that had yet 
    to experience a single crack or break

     you pulled it out in one swift motion
      while i was still reeling from the feel of your lips
      you stole my heart with no intention of cherrishing it
      you had your way with it, all the while i was lost

     from the effect your kiss had on me 

     you returned my heart matted, torn and completley destroyed.
     after just one kiss, i was ruined
I see the path iluminated in light ahead of me. full of promises, happiness and a life full of wonder. But right next to me is a road eeriely dark and cold, taunting me with it's mystery. I'm caught inbetween the path I know I need to take and the road that's reaching out to me with it's darkness and adventure.
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