
Joined: July 10, 2010
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 115787

ohaiiii. this is my Witty obviously and this is the space where I'm supposed to write useless shit about myself and expect people to actually read it. What is the point in writing in this tiny little box anyways? The font is too tiny to even read and it's not like it's pretty. Pretty fonts are laaaaaaaame when it comes to writing about yourself in little mini boxes. hmm, what to write ... what to write ...  I can't think. I'm having a brain overload. lamesauce. hahahaha, lamesauce. that's a funny word ... lamesauce. it reminds me of roflcopter. who actually says that though? ROFLCOPTER! BAHAHAHHA OHHH ROFLCOPTER! you sound like a dumbass. OHMANN, THAT TWAS SEWWWW FUNNY MANNN, LIKE, SIRIUSLY. ROFLCOPTER. no. stfu. gtfo. anywhoo, back to boxes. I like boxes, they're so ... boxy and shit. roflcopter. is that how you spell it? boxy? or is it boxey ... y'know what? on second thought. I really don't give a rat's ass. lol ew. rat's ass. rat's are gross. I like turtles. turtles are cool. so are giraffes. um. yeah. I can't think of what else to say. roflcopter. kbai. :3


Quotes by lockitinyourpocket__x

Happy 4/20 Witty
anyone care to celebrate with me ?

a kid at my school was held down by multiple people and had a drumstick shoved up his butt .
he had to be rushed to the hospital with

internal bleeding .
my entire school is making fun of him and talking about how funny it is .

bullying is wrong guys , c'mon .
we're in high school .
grow up .
I had an epiphany
the other day whilst spacing out in class. It wasn't a very great epiphany. It didn't bring me great joy, but it didn't bring me much sadness. I can't exactly describe how I was feeling. I felt hurt, and broken, but a piece of me was slightly joyous. I had an epiphany the other day about something that has been hidden underneath every part of me. This idea, this thing, this person, used to be my whole world. I would've dropped anything just to see this thing, this object, this ... piece of matter, for five minutes. I miss this thing taking up space in the world. I miss those beautiful blue eyes, that gorgeous dark brown hair. I miss those soft hands that kept me warm all winter. I miss the butterflies I used to get in the pit of my stomach. I miss the late night talks until five in the morning. I miss the stupid fights we had. I miss seeing their beautiful face every day. I miss their voice, their touch, their overall existence. I miss their presence. I miss my best friend, my lover, my reason for living. I miss you. I miss all of you. you see, I had an epiphany the other day that
I'm still in love with you.

I've been suicidal for years ,
I've attempted to
kill myself many times
but I always
failed .
now , the doctors think I might have
leukemia .
I don't want to
die anymore .
I'm so
scared .


my worst fear has become a reality:
my best friend is dating my enemy

it was so beautiful outside today,
I can't wait to
join you in  Heaven
for today, fight for tomorrow

fly high Ian Lockwood 

there was this boy at my school,
his name was 
Ian had

brain cancer.
he was a star
football player,
and an
honor roll student,
he was always generally nice to everyone,
and he
worked hard.
our school learned about his
and got everyone to
support him.
our school colors basically went from
maroon black and silver to
black and
yellow [Livestrong colors]
eventually, our
entire community learned his story
supported him too.
Ian's story was broad-casted on the news multiple times,
and soon the entire United States was
supporting Ian.
everyone had heard his story.
he was even on ESPN and was handed a game ball from the Florida Gators.
he died 2 days ago.
he was 18.
he will never be able to
graduate from high school,
this was his Senior year.
my entire community is
I'm not asking for favs., I'm just asking for everyone on Witty to please take
ten seconds out of your day to say a prayer for Ian and his family.
his story will go on for
generations and generations
Ian, you were an inspiration to all of us,
and you are one of the
strongest people I know.
you will be greatly
Rest in Peace Ian Lockwood, #10
thank you for reading this.


this is not a joke, you can search him.
Ian Lockwood, Navarre High School.

girl: why are you such a p u s s y?
boy: well, you know what they say:
you are what you eat. ;)

the only quotable thing from MEANGIRLS 2.

what did you guys think of it?
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