
Joined: July 10, 2010
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 115787

ohaiiii. this is my Witty obviously and this is the space where I'm supposed to write useless shit about myself and expect people to actually read it. What is the point in writing in this tiny little box anyways? The font is too tiny to even read and it's not like it's pretty. Pretty fonts are laaaaaaaame when it comes to writing about yourself in little mini boxes. hmm, what to write ... what to write ...  I can't think. I'm having a brain overload. lamesauce. hahahaha, lamesauce. that's a funny word ... lamesauce. it reminds me of roflcopter. who actually says that though? ROFLCOPTER! BAHAHAHHA OHHH ROFLCOPTER! you sound like a dumbass. OHMANN, THAT TWAS SEWWWW FUNNY MANNN, LIKE, SIRIUSLY. ROFLCOPTER. no. stfu. gtfo. anywhoo, back to boxes. I like boxes, they're so ... boxy and shit. roflcopter. is that how you spell it? boxy? or is it boxey ... y'know what? on second thought. I really don't give a rat's ass. lol ew. rat's ass. rat's are gross. I like turtles. turtles are cool. so are giraffes. um. yeah. I can't think of what else to say. roflcopter. kbai. :3
