Little Quotes

This is my family. 
I found it, all on my own.
Is little,
and broken,but still good.
Yeah,still good. 

Little girl
Stop waiting for someone
To come and rescue you
You're on your own.
Dear little artist
you envision this perfect little world
where you are the flower of everyone's eye
where you are beautiful
and the boy you like knows you exist
little artist please wake up
before the ink in your pens taint you
please realize you are already perfect the way you are
please stop ocding over your art
sincerely loveless
Dont be such a guppy
When I was little everyone had imaginary friends so I lied about having one so I would seem cool, but I never really understood why people had them.

I have a love-hate relationship with my body, but who doesn't in today's society?  

My idea of wealth has changed.

When I was little I’d dream about living in a giant mansion with like a tennis court, a bowling alley and an indoor swimming pool. Having so much money that I could save the rainforests and all the animals. Helping kids find forever-families and helping the homeless find houses.

Now when I fantasize I’m like, “maybe someday I’ll be able to rent a one bedroom apartment and then work on trying to save the world.”

When I was little

I came to school in a yellow coat and my friends were talking about bananas and then tthey called me a banana and then

I said that I'm not a banana and I took my jacket off and I was wearing a cupcake necklace and they called me a cupcake

and I had a monkey backpack and monkeys like banana's and

they said,so that's why she has a monkey bag!And I was called a banana for the rest of the day.


Format by Sandrasaurus
My quote.Do NOT steal.


Les petites filles aiment les poupées, Les petits garçons aiment les soldats,
Les grandes filles aiment les soldats, Les grands garçons aiment les poues
Little girls like dolls, little boys like soldiers
Big girls like soldiers, big boys like dolls

Scream a little.
Cry a little.
Fall a little.
Laugh a little.
Explore a little.
Love a little.
Life is full of wonderful little things, but let your life be anything but LITTLE.
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