Best Little Quotes Today

If you don’t get a little gay with your best friends you’re not close enough

Young Love
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"Okay, so on the count to three?     One...  Two...  Two and a half..."

Original format by icySpicy_TwirlGurl

When I think about love,
I think about when I was little
and I automatically knew what I wanted.
Love just like that.
Like your favorite color comes to you,
or how a smile comes across your face.
It should just hit you and you should know
that’s how it’s supposed to be.


i was always scared of teenagers when i was little because i felt like they always glared at me and looked tired and angry and now i understand  


is largely told as a chronically of great people doing great things.
But, for most of us, life is not made up of big moments,
it's made up of small moments.
And, with every small choice,
with every small decision we are defining ourselves.
Are we honest?
Are we faithful?
Are we proud of ourselves?

Or are we disappointed in what we've become?
Life rarely turns out the way that we planned.
The unexpected happens and it surprises us
with new and exciting possibilities.
But sooner or later,
reality hits you in the face.


I have a very big crush on u but sadly I am only a little bug and u are a garden
 You still have to

into your

but you're


to me


When I was little and got a haircut,
my top priority was to update my Mii character

appreciates the little things anymore that make us feel amazing.
           Like walking on warm grass in the summer or when you wake
up at 3am and have hourlefto sleep. And when you put on

that have just come out of the dryer. But the best feeling
anighknowing  that for the first time
everything will be alright.



I was babysitting
We were coloring
And all of a sudden I saw this bug and it had all these legs on it
I screamed and then left the room
And then the little 3 year old girl
came and said "Kelsey you don't have to be afraid of it, it's harmless but I'm here to protect you from it"
It was so cute
And then afterwards she had me touch it to get over my fear
Then we decided to let it free outside
After that she gave me a huge hug
Sometimes the little things in life just make you smile
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