Lucky Quotes

I want this to work out,
so this time I'm going to try to convince myself
to not get my hopes up too high.
So the guy my friend is talking to wrote on her facebook
wall "Hey I need you to do me a favor tomorrow" and she said
"and what is that?" and he said "Have a great day :)"
that is just so cute. I cant...i cant even imagine
something that cute being said to me. wtf.
I'm not the easiest person to handle. I can get angry easily and i have a tendincy to take that anger out on others. I'm very opinionated and I only like things my way. I can be very guarded with my emotions and not express how i feel about someone i care about deeply. I have anxiety, i always stress and i wan't things to be done right. Needless to say i never thought i would find someone who could stand me for more than a month, But then i did. Stephen is a wonderful boyfriend and i can't say it enough. He calms me down when i'm over reaccting and he makes me smile when i'm sad. He spoils me rotten and he looks at me the way Noah looked at Ali. He's that boy I've been dreaming about, my Prince charming i always read about. He loves me unconditionally and isn't afraid to tell me what i don't want to hear. It's been four months with this magical man and I can't wait for many more.
I love you Stephen

If your mom and dad are still together,
you don't understand how lucky you are.
Today at 9:48 PMBrandon<3 ^~^
Baby I love you more than anything, you're the most beautiful, amazing person i have ever met! You're just outstanding!!<3
You're my Everthing!!, i love you Fay.

if you're stil l breathing you're the lucky ones
 cause most of us are heaving through corrupted lungs
setting fire to our insides for fun
collecting names of the lovers that went wrong


If you are in love, you are lucky
                       because most of us are still bitter over someone.


Guys, can we just take a moment to appreciate that

my favorite youtuber is the same age as me and lives

in the same state a few towns over



Format by FormatsByMaisha - otherwise knows as MaiiEeeShaSha xoxo

Im glad that

1. Jai is handling this well and maturly

2. Jariana wasnt my otp (they were still cute tho ugh)

3. Ariana and Nathan are halfway across the world from me at the moment bc otherwise someone would end up in the hospital and someone in jail if they were anywhere near me
I honestly wonder how Ariel from the Little Mermaid was expected to get Eric to kiss him in less 3 days. I mean, it takes me 3 years for a guy to even talk to me
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