Holyshit Quotes


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So let me think of how to word it
Is it too soon to say 'perfect'?

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he only grins when his heart hurts
but lord, his smile is criminal


Does anyone even use this site anymore?
Winnie the Pooh: Alcoholic (You think that's only honey?)

Eor: Major Depression. (You think it's just his tail that he's sad?)

Piglet: Anxiety Disorder. (Not everyone can be brave to speak.)

Tigger: Cocaine Addict (Not hard to tell.)

Rabbit: Anger Issues/Bi-polar (0-60)

Christopher Robin: Hallucinogens (You really think he could see that without hallucinogens?)

This made me realize something.
My once favourite tv show that use to make me laugh and smile was portraying people with things I have today.
Depression, anxiety, suicidal tendancies (Even though its not listed)
It makes me wonder,
Was Winnie the Pooh actually predicting my future?
Warning me about what life is full of?
Was Winnie the Pooh already diagnosing me with conditions as a little girl?

I guess even cartoon characters feel the way we do.
That's sad isn't it?
That a tv show for younger children, has characters doing and feeling things that they shouldn't.
Not only do real life people feel it.
But so do the characters we grew up to love.
It's rather heart breaking.

To this day, I feel that Winnie the Pooh will always be the one show that knows how I truly feel.
I understand Eor and Piglet.
I know how that feels.
& It sucks.

It's horrible how a character can witness and go through what we have.
Whether the show was scripted or not.
The creator must of felt something to, right?

Confession 20

Even though I said I wouldn't bother him for the rest of his life,
I'm still want to send him one last "I love you"
Just so maybe this time he will believe it.

(fav for more)
Let's talk about Austin Carlile singing

can i just break down and cry already?
4 days.
4 fücking days.
So I had a soccer game earlier and holy sh/t we won 20-0 and oh my god and I thought my team sucked.
So I'm in Connecticut now, like right now, and by the time I was 30 minutes into the state I got cut off like 5 times omfg what.
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