February Quotes

And why would I not watch Titanic on Valentine's Day? (;
Today my as/shole English teacher gave me an F on my whole essay that I worked really hard on, just because for the date I accidentally wrote
February 13rd
Instead of February 13th

February 6th,

         There are 15 days until a year where he took his life.
       I wish I said something to stop him.
February 5,
        There are 16 days until a year where he took his life.
        I wish it was all a horrible dream.
February 4th,

          There are 17 days until it has been a year where he took his life.
           I am so terrified.
Confession 18

I don't hate February because I'm always single on Valentines day...
I hate it because awful things happen the most to me,
and my best friend took his life in February.

(fav for more)
February 3rd,
     There are 18 days until a year were he took his life.
He was my best friend, and I am in love with him...
February 2nd,

      19 more days until a year where he took his life.
      I'm counting the seconds to where I break down and cry.
February 1st,

         There are 20 days until it has a been a year since he took his life.
         I have never felt so alone.
Did you know that in the UK X Factor
you have to be sixteen on or before February 1st to audition?

Harry just made the cutoff.

If he was born one day later,
he wouldn't be in one direction!

*le me*
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