Arm Quotes

Watched the most recent Adventure Time episode. I could have filled an Olympic pool with my tears.
You made fun of her acne. Do you think she likes it?
You laughed at the boy crying in the hallway. Do you think he's crying for fun?
You teased the girl with the broken arm. Do you think she smashed her limb on purpose?
You poked fun at the boy in the wheelchair. Do you think he chose to have that disability?
You sneered at the guy with indistinct speech. Do you think he likes no-one being able to understand him?
You taunted the girl with the braces. Do you think she asked for crooked teeth?
You mocked her being bald. Do you think she wanted to get cancer?

Just because someone is different on the outside, it doesn't mean they're not human. It is cowardice to mock what cannot be helped; you are showing that you are scared of differences. Put it this way - would you rather be a sheep, following the crowd and laughing at the outsiders? Or would you rather be your own person, doing your own thing and having your own opinions?

I know more than most what it is like to be singled out because you are different. And no, I'm not going into details. Just let me tell you this; it doesn't make you big, it doesn't make you clever. It just leaves the offended person downcast and miserable, desperate to fit into the crowd of so-called Populars. But any 'popular' kid I've ever known has changed from Popular to Waster in just the hours between leaving high school and getting a life. So maybe you should just go and pull yourself together. Apologise to those people you just put down. Or are you too cowardly to?

So do yourself a favour. Don't be a sheep. Support and respect everyone in your community. As the leaders of the future, if WW3 looms, are you going to tease people for having the wrong sort of gun? Or would you stand up and fight for the country?

You know what to do. 

You know the quote
"To write Love on her arm".

Why not write Love on her jeans for the whole world to see.

nq, please don't hate

in 5th grade i used to suck on my arm and i dont know why but it was a really bad habit of mine like how kids sucked their thumbs, i sucked on my arm and my cousin who was in like 10th grade at the time asked if i had a hickey on my arm and i didnt know what it was and i said yes and he told me i was a “playa” and i told him i liked sports
I wanna stab my arm, i wanna stab my

So apparently my arm starts shaking uncontrollably now when even slight pressure is put on it. Oh my god what even is my body.

People see cuts on my arm and immediately thinks I have a hard time at school. 
I know, it might be hard to believe, but I have a wonderful family with some friends. 
You don't know my reasons, don't be  stereotypical.  I'm  supposed  to  love  myself. 
nothing like waking up with half of your arm asleep -_-

 Its the kind of

that you just can’t fake.
It’s the kind of intense, supernatural feeling
that only comes around
when all a person needs to do is

brush a fingertip against your arm,
and you feel like you may never
breathe again.


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