
Status: i solemnly swear that i am up to no good.
Joined: September 21, 2010
Last Seen: 6 years
user id: 125857
Gender: F

STATUS: Sometimes you gotta disappear while you get ya shit together.

Amanda; Blonde, blue eyed, 5'2" girl you don't want to fck with.
I'm just a simple girl, with a big dream.
Don't bother telling me my username is incorrect.
I'm a straight out person. I tell it like it is.
I don't beat around the bush and say bullshit.
I am never going to apologize for having an opinion.
Don't try telling me who I am.
I know myself better than most of the people I've met in my life.
Don't judge on what you don't know.
I have a Boston accent.
Rest Easy, Vati.

16918.) I may not be the cutest, or the coolest, or the most popular. Despite it all, I enjoy being who I am.

Disclaimer: I get the majority of my quotes on tumblr, twitter, and ifunny.

I really am just trying to be alright again.
If I'm not posting as much as usual, excuse me.
I am not leaving Witty, I just take short breaks.
I'm just trying to sort my life out again.
I may not be okay today, or tomorrow.
But I will be one day.

I feel like I haven't updated this in ages.
I wanted to delete the message above, but I'm still in the same boat.
Except now, add in college and classes and a social life.
I don't have much time on my hands and I'm sorry.
I am still not planning on leaving; I'm just extremely busy.
I am so glad to those who have been patient and haven't forgotten me.
I love you guys.

I'm getting better.
Some days are better than others.
I'm not where I should be, but I am getting there.
I'm living my life for myself and only myself.
But as time goes on, I'm realizing how much I'm in love with where I am and who I surround myself with.
And I would do anything for those two things.
And that's something I've come to learn in the last year.
I am so in love with my life.

I am so goddamn in love with life.
July 14, 2016

snapchat: aurms12
instagram: aurms12

Tumblr//Don't Click Here//twitter // six billion secrets // post secret

Quotes by yourcool

do you ever drop something and instead of
picking it back up you just stare at on the ground and think about what a failure you are


Please eat. I know its easy to skip meals and go hours without anything but please go and get something to eat. You deserve proper meals even if you haven’t exercised, even if they’re more calories than you can count, even if you had take out yesterday. Just eat.


Im sitting in class and I just hear this kid say to his friend:
“Why would the clowns attack college campuses if we’re all dead inside anyway?”


i am fcking gold but you prefer
silver and that's okay.

*me to the bartender*
i want something that doesn’t taste like alcohol but has a lot of alcohol in it


destroy the idea that i will ever calm down


June 10, 2016.
Minnie Mouse.
Unlike the "real" Minnie Mouse, you were the best dog I ever had.
My childhood ended when I watched the life go out of your eyes.
Most people can't watch their dog die.
I wasn't leaving you in those last moments.
You were there for me for everything.
I was going to be there to end your pain.

It's silly to miss a dog so much.
But you knew dad.
And not many people knew him.
I got you when I was 5 years old.
I had you for 16 years.
I'm getting a Minnie Mouse tattooed on my leg for you.
Hakuna Matata, Minnie.

We love you so much.

October 6, 2002.
14 years and a week ago.
That's the day you died.
The day some man in an eighteen-wheeler decided to be careless.
The day a woman lost her husband.
The day a father lost their son.
The day a brother and sister lost their brother.
The day newphews and neices lost their uncle.
The day two parent-in-laws lost their only son-in-law.
The day two daughters lost their father.

I carry a picture of you and me in my purse.
It has been there since I've bought that purse.
It has been in backpacks and wallets before that.
You may not be here, but you are always with me.

I'll always be mad at the man who killed you.
But I can't help but hope that he can live with what he did.
He also had everything we lost.
I couldn't live with myself knowing that he didn't live his life fully after killing you.
I know he didn't do it on purpose.

We had to put down Minnie a few months back.
I like to think you met her at the gates.
If they do exist. And I'm hoping they do.

14 years doesn't change the fact that I'll ever forget the day I was told you weren't coming home.
Even Minnie was standing there with us on that lawn.
I will forever be thankful my last words to you were "I love you."
I will forever be thankful that I got to hug you goodbye before we lef the house.
I don't know how I got so lucky, thinking about it.
Luckily but unlucky. I'll take what I got. It's better than most.

Your tattoo will be on me forever.
You will be with me forever.
I will tell my future husband all about you.
I will tell your grandchildren how great of a man you were.

I love you.

my kink: being in bed before 10 pm with my makeup washed off and my hair tied up.

i hate seeing people my age in public
bc its always like a competition of whose more attractive and im always losing


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