
Joined: September 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 218260
Gender: F

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about this girl 
Helllo whoever just stumbled across my witty.
My name's Ashley ;-*

Sooo, I'm nothing special. I was brought into this insane, fucked up world on august 16th and I'm a freshmen. I don't take life seriously at all, & don't care about the people who judge me for it. I laugh over everything and love making people feel better, so talk to me! (:

Lmao. Random things. I absolutely hate when people say they know how I feel, or that they understand me, considering I don't even understand myself. I don't play any sports or instruments. I'm pretty lazy. I have light brown hair and green eyes. I use a straw with everything I drink and always take the wrappers off of bottles. A lot of people say they're jealous of how skinny I am but honestly, I want to lose weight. I'm only a bitch if there's a reason to be, otherwise I try being as nice as I can to everyone. I have no idea where I'd be without my friends. I have really bad trust issues and have made tons of mistakes that haunt me to this day, but there isn't anything I can do but look past them.