
Joined: July 10, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 193082
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Hello Beautiful(:







I Hello, my Name's Tara Nicole. I'm 14 years old. I was brought into this world on July 14th and it's been an adventure ever since. I've met people along the way that had stuck by me ever since, those people are my best friends. I moved around a lot, but ended up livining New Jersey each time,
 I HATE when people correct me on like spelling and stuff, like it's a huge pet peeve. Like really? atleast I don't type l!kkkk3333 ttthh!!!!sss<333. So please don'y correct me.

 I hate sluts.XD so off topic but they really jsut bug me. I mean I get they're misunderstood, like they don't get enough attention at home so they get the attention from the guys.

   Love got harder when Sex got easier;

I totally agree with that, but sometimes you have to find that one guy, I know every single girl has said "all guys are the same" . I used to believe that but then I was showed differently.

 " mean, of course I’ve changed, I’m not going to be the same 15 year-old kid that most of them discovered on YouTube, I’ve grown up and my real fans will understand that. But I respect their decision if they go and I love them if they stay with me. If I could, I would hug each one of my beliebers, one by one, the ones who didn’t stay and the ones that are still with me, supporting me. I just want them to know that I love them… I love them so much. And I don’t say this because of publicity, I just feel like I truly love them, like they have become a really important part of my family and I apologize if I have ever hurt them, I’m a person and I make mistakes. Everything I ask for is: the ones that are still with me, stay with me, because if I ever lose them, I’m going to lose everything. I don’t care about the fame, what I care about is if I lose my real beliebers, I’m not going to be able to have them back by my side. I promised them something and they know about it. Everything I have achieved is just because of them, because of their unconditional support, they are the ones who made me into the person that I am today and you can’t even imagine how thankful to them I’m for that. Please, don’t take my Beliebers away from me, that’s everything I’m asking for. Please, stay with me."

I'm a Belieber and I always will be. No matter the rumors, no matter the haters I'll always love him. I am completely jealous of Selena Gomez, she has the best guy I swear. I hope that he stops getting so much hate and people will finally believe that he's not only a hotty with a body but a boy just living his dream.<33

I wrote this long thing for probably no reason since no one probably took the time out to read it. but this is my about me so i'm going to write a lot.

I've been through so much, just like every normal teenage girl. I grew up with a family of 1 sister and 3 brothers. I had two more younger brothers but they died (r.i.p tyler and taylor.) My older brother is a drug addict and he's been in and out of my life. My older sister lives over 3 hours away and is bipolar so we don't see her as much as I'd like to. My brother mikey is only 45 minutes away but he;s never really around. and My older brotehr Josh he's 17, he's too wound up in his girlfriend to care about anyone else. My mom, we let's just say it's been over a year since I've hugged my mom. And it's not the fact that she doesn't live with us, she does, I see her every single day. She just...doesn't like me. And my dad. honestly he's the only one in this family who is always there.

I resortt to music to escape from society. I don't fit in but I'm not a complete outcast. I have some 'popular' friends but I don't trust them because I watched each of there stab my their other friends right in the back.

I have 5 nephews and 2 nieces . They keep me going each day.
 Especially my one nephew Blane, he's 6. He was born without an esophagus (part of your throat, basically the main part) so he has to get a new tube everyonce in a while. He's missed so many days of school he has to repeat kindergarden, which causes him to loose all his friends. He's 6 and the doctors already diagnosed him with depression. How much pain do you think he's in?at 6 years old already contemplating suicide? sounds unrealistic? it's completely true. He's my little fighter, love you Blane Michael<3


Quotes by xxlovelastsforeverxx

what it really feels like
Chapter 5

He avoided me all day, until biology of course.
He came and sat in the seat directly next to me.
"so, what was that whole scene earlier about?"
"shouldn't I be the one asking you? you're friends were a little crowd."
He rested his hands on his face, "Look alexis. I feel like a complete a**hole doing this." 
he started. My teacher planted a paper marked with a bold red "F", with a small sticky note on the side saying,"please get extra help.
He looked down at my paper then started again,"See, I wrecked my dad's car this weekend...and Anthony, well he said If I take you to prom he'd pay for all the expenses...and when I saw you at the party, i just, i just thought it was the perfect chance.."
"I'm not a freak show!" I yelled running out of the classroom.

I got to my house and locked my bedroom door. My face was buried in a blanket.
Did my own brother think that i was that pathetic that he had to basically pay some a**hole jock to take me to the prom? 
I heard the doorbell ring, i walked down the steps to see Nick outside again.
I cracked the door open part way, "what do you want now?"
"I want to apologise. It was an a**hole move. I know. I just really need my car fixed."
"You know what, I'll go to prom with you."
what was I thinking?
A smile grew across his face,"really!?"
I nodded, "proms next friday right?"
"yes! i'll pick you up around 5! but we're going to have to hang out a lot so Ant doesn't get suspicious."
"okay, by the way, you have to do my homework for biology for the next month."
"deal!" he said jogging to his skate board.


I'm strong because I know what it's like to be weak,

I put my guard up because i know what it's like to cry myself to sleep.



what it really feels like
Chapter 4

He sat down on my chair that sat directly across from me. His smile was spread across his perfect face.
I sat there staring at my feet. A few minutes later I caught myself starin at his crystal blue eyes that were staring at his feet. He looked up to see me staring at him, I quickly looked away and he started to laugh.
I felt my face turn a bright shade of pink.
"Sooo.." he smiled.
The smile suddenly escaped from my face,"Why are you here? I mean, you've never said one word to me, yet all of a sudden you're at my door. in my room. Smilling. blushing? I'm honestly so confused. so if this is some kind of joke then please get out."
Once again, a frown shot across his face, "it's not a joke."
I sighed, "then why are you talking to me?"
"Is it so bad just to want to get to know you?"
"No, I guess not."

His cell phone rang, "Hey, Alexis, uh, I have to go, Talk to you tomorrow?"
I nodded.
He walked down the steps and out the door, there was a car waiting outfront for him.
Sitting in the front seat was Amberlynn, of course.
Her boobs were sticking out of her shirt like usual.

I was walking down the hallway, I stopped at my locker and put in my combination.
I looked over to Nick and his friends laughing and occasionally looking over at me.
Suddenly I saw Nick leaning up against the locker next to me, "Hey" he winked.
"Hello" I said annoyed.
"oh geez, someone's not in a good mood"
I walked towards my next class, he puled me around and pulled me close to him.
I saw his friends watching and laughing in the distance,
"Get off of me. I'm not apart of your little puppet show." As I slapped his face.
He held his cheek as he watched me walk away.


you know you love someone when,
you both can just lay there completely speechlesss and still have the best memories.

Go to the mall and scream "HEY SL*T"

you will be amazed by how many girls turn around.


what it really feels like
Chapter 3

I wasn't really sure what just happened.
I walked through the front door while the party was raging.
I climbed up the steps and into my room, locked the door. I pushed my books off my bed and just cuddled up inside my blankets. Trying to fall asleep in this house was almost impossible on friday nights.
What just happened?
I'm still pretty lost myself. He's never actually said more than 2 words to me, at all. Not once this year up until a few minutes ago. The plain pink ceiling stared back at me.
I  closed my eyes and let the music in my ipod send me to sleep.

I awoke to the sun beaming in my eyes. I walked down the steps, the house was completely spotless, I never really understood how my brother got it to look this perfect by morning.
The fridge door was poped open, I saw my brother rummaging for some breakfest.
"Hey Ant"
He turned around squinting at me, "Oh hey Lex, could you talk a little lower, you're killing my ear drums."
I giggled a little, "hang over?" I whispered.
He sighed obnoxiously and nodded his head.

He walked over to the couch and just layed down. He wasn't sure what to eat, because half the things in there will make him nauseous. His right hand was planted on his head, while his left was wrapped around his stomach.
One of the main reason's I don't drink.

I walked up stairs and hopped into the shower. I blow-dried my hair and put it into a long side braid.
I didn't wear any makeup besides mascara. It wasn't a big deal if I didn't cake my face in every sort of make up ever invented. If I felt pretty then I did, I wasn't going to let other people judge me. Quickly, I threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top.

The doorbell rang so I ran down the steps to see who it was, knowing my brother wouldn't answer it.
I opened the door to see Nick standing there.
"Oh, hey, Ant's right in the living room" I said walking from the door.
"No, I want to talk to you."
I stopped dead in my tracks,"why?"
"Why not?" he smirked.
I smiled a little bit, "uhm, take a walk? or go upstairs?"
"since i'm already inside we can go upstairs, if you don't mind" he smiled.
I walked up the steps with him following behind me.

what it really feels like
Chapter 1

I locked my door and flung onto my bed and pulled my text books out.
It was hard to even try to pay attention with the pumping music coming from the party my older brother was throwing. I heard beer cans opening and things being broken, it was just the typical friday night here.

Some people wonder why I'm not ot there, 'partyin' but, i'm not like that. I don't fit in, I'm an outcast. I was a straight A student. I was never late for school. My friends constantly make fun of me for not taking the oblivious chance to go out and grab a beer or two.

I started jotting down some notes into my blue spiral notebook until I heard a drunken slurr coming from outside my room. I unlocked my door and twisted the knob to see who was there. Before I could do anything the stumbling male made his way through my door into my room.

He sat on my bed staring at me,
"can I help you?" I asked.
He stood up with a sly grin across his face and walked over to me.  He wrapped his thick arms around my waist and planted his lips onto mine. His breath was overwhelmed with alchol.
I smacked him across the face but he just pulled me in closer.
His slobbery drunken lips made there way around my entire face.
Suddenly I felt someone pull me away from the kid.
I looked to see, it was Nick.
He was in my biology class, he was a huge jock.
"are you alright?" he asked.
I nodded, Guys like him didn't talk to girls like me. People like us just didn't click.

The drunken boy came and swung a fist a nick but nick punched him right back and grabbed my arm.
I was  in my pajamas as he dragged me through the crowd of people and outfront.
where was he taking me?


I may be smiling, but you're not the reason anymore.


so today,
i took the chance, and I finally stood up for myself.
it may have gotten me introuble, but i don't regret it.
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