
Joined: May 3, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 171332
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It's hard to swin
in a world so shallow

Take a deep breath..

this is only the beginning of my story.

-well, my name is Breauna.
  - i LOVE the beach and summer.!(:
 -i live in minnesota
  -my bestfriend is jazmin-lookonthebrightside-
 -i blow out the candles on december 21st.
 -im 14 years young..
 -if you follow, i usually follow back.

& if you want to know more, just get to know me..
 & im positive you wont regret it(: 


some amazing people are

xoxamiraxox,, shes my amazing cousin i couldnt imagine my life without.shes like my bestfriend. my sister. i tell this girl everything,

so, follow her(:
layel22, my other cousin i looveee. she just makes me smile and laugh everyday. i just love her(:

so follow her too. haha
lookonthebrightside.. my michigan besstfriend! i lufff her oh so muchh! (: 
soo, you should follow her also. shes pretty amazing bruuh.
ruthieshortstuff. shes my Minnesota bestfriend. i love her too! obviousslly man. but yeah, nobody could replace her. (: soo follow her! 


you only live once, but if you live right, once is enough <3

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