
Status: Bestfrieenddd.
Joined: April 12, 2011
Last Seen: 7 years
Birthday: December 11
user id: 165016
Location: Where you love that dirrtty wataah
Gender: F

Damn prob won't come on here ever again. It was fun while it lasted

Quotes by ohyeahx2

am i the only person who thinks it's super flattering when someone remembers tiny, unimportant details about you
A Smile , So Small. But Means So Much.
i love how everyones making quotes about sucide awareness day but none about 9/11
do any of you know how many kids lost there mom or dad that day? or even both? sucide is a big thing but 9/11 is a big thing to our country, 9/11 is one of the worst days in american history and no one is saying anything about it? well i am. my heart and soul goes out to everyone who lost a mother father brother sister uncle aunt grandmother anything my prayers are with you and i hope they rest in peace. 
rip to whoever lost a life on

9/11/01 ♥

I Understand,
You dont need to explain it to me i understand, i know what its like to wake up everyday and hate yourself and wish you werent here. i know what its like to feel alone in this big world, you crawl up in bed and cry your heart out. i know how it all works,i know how this all feels. i know what its like to feel worthless, not good enough,ugly, and fat, like your nothing. i know what its like to come home from school everyday cry and cut the pain away because you couldnt even fake a proper smile. or to be bullied nonstop and you having to act like its not bothering you, when really you have every reason to break down.
Trust me you dont have to explain youself because i know how it feels.
 Did You Honestly Believe Me When I Said 
 I was fine.


 If I Fall Asleep Texting You Its Because I Didn't Wanna Say Good Night,♥ 
Just Kidding
You Got Boring And I Like Sleep Better.




      if it weren't for taylor swift
                                                  girls break ups would be so much worse                                           



You miss me? Then find a damn day and come ands see me. Pick up your phone and call me. Use your fingers to text me. Make yourself show me because saying that and then doing nothing to fix it is just pointless.





You Thought You Were The Center Of Attention,
Then I Showd Up


9gag FTW