
Joined: June 8, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 111584

someday we'll figure all this out 
 Hey witty! I'm Bridget, fresh into high school. I dont go on this site much anymore, school work and sports control my life. Tumblr is a new interest. Yeah, so I never go on this but I'm a freshmen and I already hate high school and most of the time I don't like any of the people there and I've been on witty since fifth grade. I'd rather be on Tumblr. Yeaaaaaaaah. I will probably never update this. Have a lovely day c:
What the hell i like one direction but these one direction facts are so annoying

live_fearlessx7's Favorite Quotes

Offering someone food and secretly hoping they don't want it.
Even though I’ve stopped “liking you” every time someone mentions your name my head turns towards them. It’s like every time I hear it, I think of what we had, and all we could have had.

Even when I'm unknown, nobody favourites my quotes.

This quote does not exist.

Things will get easier,
peoples minds will change, and you should be alive to see it.

My problem is that I can't
stay mad. I always end of forgiving people even if they don't 
           deserve it

This quote does not exist.
 *Girl walks into dressing room*
*Trys on pants*
*Walks around in them*
*Sits down in them*
*Looks at her butt in them*

*Checks the price tag*
*Trys on shirt*
*Raises her arms*
*Pulls and tugs at it*
*Sits and slouches to see how her stomach looks*

*Checks price tag*
*Trys on dress*
*Sits down in the dress*
*Twirls in the dress*

*Checks the price tag* I the only
one that performs
all of these
tests in order to buy
a clothing item


11:11 11/11/1

is in TWO days

I guess I should probably figure out

what I'm gonna wish for...


They Say
You Don't Know What You Got Until It's Gone.
\\\\\\\\\\ TheTruthIS, //////////
You Knew Exactly
What You Had;
---------- You Just Never Thought You'd Lose it. ----------