
Joined: June 8, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 111584

someday we'll figure all this out 
 Hey witty! I'm Bridget, fresh into high school. I dont go on this site much anymore, school work and sports control my life. Tumblr is a new interest. Yeah, so I never go on this but I'm a freshmen and I already hate high school and most of the time I don't like any of the people there and I've been on witty since fifth grade. I'd rather be on Tumblr. Yeaaaaaaaah. I will probably never update this. Have a lovely day c:
What the hell i like one direction but these one direction facts are so annoying

Quotes by live_fearlessx7

The worst thing about losing you
is having to look you in the eyes, and know that what we had is gone forever.

Sometimes it lasts in love;
but sometimes it hurts instead.

if i die young, bury me in satin
[lay  me  down  on  a  bed  of  roses]
 sink me in the river at dawn

send me away with the

words of a love song ♥
format by newport_girl_7

Nine years ago, thousands of brothers,sisters,mothers,fathers, and children..didn't come home. Cherish the people you have, because you never know if that's the last time you will see them.


 I hate how
it seems the really cute guys live in the next town over


format credit to kayteeeh