
Joined: June 30, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 114293
Hi everyone! I'm Katie(the blonde on the right) and my bestfriend showed me this website so i decided to give it a try. I have the best 5 friends in the world who i knew since preschool but in 3 years we are all going to have to seperate. I've been through a lot in my time so if you need anything ask away and i'll be happy to respond my best. I'm now going to be a sophomore and I'm 15 years old. yeah i love meeting new friends so talk to me welll if you want to(:


food: grilled cheese
color: yellow or purple
sport: softball or track
movie: the Titanic

i cant really think of anything else but yeah
"Get used to your own skin, it's the only one you'll ever get"