
Joined: June 30, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 114293
Hi everyone! I'm Katie(the blonde on the right) and my bestfriend showed me this website so i decided to give it a try. I have the best 5 friends in the world who i knew since preschool but in 3 years we are all going to have to seperate. I've been through a lot in my time so if you need anything ask away and i'll be happy to respond my best. I'm now going to be a sophomore and I'm 15 years old. yeah i love meeting new friends so talk to me welll if you want to(:


food: grilled cheese
color: yellow or purple
sport: softball or track
movie: the Titanic

i cant really think of anything else but yeah
"Get used to your own skin, it's the only one you'll ever get"


heyyitskatayy's Favorite Quotes

I remember 2011 like it was yesterday


There's plenty of fish in the sea.. ?
Yeah? Well 50% are girls,
30% are over 18,
and 15% are under 10,
which leaves 5% of the population.
2% of the remaining fish are taken,

and we haven't even gotten into the personalities
of the fish, what the fish looks like,
and what you two have in common.
After all of that narrowing down,
there is only one fish left in the sea.
That fish is your nemo, so
never let anyone dare to tell you that
there are plenty of fish in the sea.


The awkward moment when
a little kid asks you to open something for them... and you can't.

That .1 p ercenof  germs

  That nothing can kill..


Voldermort's  face  is  flat  because

he  ran into the wrong  wall  at  the  train  station.




hey , did you hear that Rebecca Black is pregnant ?
guess that's what happens when you get down on Friday..

she must have chosen the back seat.


 The first ten years of  a  gir l 's  l i fe

are spent playing with barbies.
The next 10 years
are  spent trying to look  l i ke one.

Officer; How high are you?

Me; No officer, its hi, how are you?

rumors are
carried by haters, spread by fools and accepted by idiots.
-justin bieber.

This quote does not exist.