
Status: The dark's not taking prisoners tonight
Joined: May 26, 2012
Last Seen: 5 years
Birthday: August 1
user id: 302739
Location: Not a communist


i'm not on super often so i apologise if you get a super late reply
you should totally check out ChangeBeautyLove she's like A+ 10/10 5* 

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.joyriding.*'s Favorite Quotes

I long for your touch,
for the feel of your flesh.
Your lips are ghosts upon mine, memories of dreams that have never been. 


This quote does not exist.

I find myself thinking of you
in the darkness of night, because that was where I had so often found you before. But it is as though we are continents away, and though I hear your sleep-torn voice it is as much a dream as my happiness has always been.

She waits for dawn 
to drift away,
to hide from her monsters
in the light of day. 

And when she opens her eyes
and sees the stars so bright 
she remembers that your ghost
is her phantom in the night.  



This quote does not exist.


there is such loneliness
  to being in love with you. 



So today I was in the PE changing rooms

Then this girl walked over to me,

Yelled at me a few times,

Then slapped me across the face

(it actually really hurt but i'm used to it)

But as she was leaving

She walked straight into the wall,

And she hit her nose on the bag pegs.

I was laughing,

And as I was walking out,

I whispered to her,

'Karma can be a bi*ch sometimes'.

Which may or may not have resulted in another slap

So worth it.

mirrors can't tal
& luckily for you
they can't laugh either


Today Is The Tomorrow

(we worried about yesterday)

&& She stayed up until 11:11 again,
[[but she couldn't think of anything to wish for]]

Because tonight, nothing
could have made her happier. ♥