
Joined: August 18, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 121353



Hey my name is Morgan:) I love volleyball , basketball, and track.
I hate when people right a qoute when its the same as yours and the get more ♥'s??
here are some awmazing people:)
there awesome check them out!
Things i like:)
i love apples and a lot of other stuff i am very outgoing and creative! i hope you like my qoutes
Thanks Bye:)

Quotes by awesomechick12

You can run, You can Hide, But you can't escape my love.

No one knows what the day is going to bring, we wake up not knowing if we are going to make it home again. Yet somehow, someway we bring ourselves to believe that there is nothing in the world that is worth waking up for and at the end of each day some of us are left with a suprise while some of us are left with dissopontment. Nobody wants to believe that bad things happen even to the best of us or that are struggling just to keep up in the world, and it breaks your heart to know that the person you thought would never leave you has left you in many tears. Everyday we are forced to make desicions that affect us both good and bad and we sometimes make mistakes that turn out bad when our intensions for them were for the good. As i stand here before God at the end of each day i am faced with consequences that have brought me to this point. I am left with the thought of good and bad and there isn't a day that goes by that i wonder in witch direction my life is going to go. Somedays i tell myself  it's going in the right direction, while other days i feel like i can't do anything right. I asked myself everyday why my life is the way it is. I ask God and myself if I made a mistake and that has led me to this point. But the thoughts and questions soon fade away and i thank God every minute of the day.

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