
Joined: August 18, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 121353



Hey my name is Morgan:) I love volleyball , basketball, and track.
I hate when people right a qoute when its the same as yours and the get more ♥'s??
here are some awmazing people:)
there awesome check them out!
Things i like:)
i love apples and a lot of other stuff i am very outgoing and creative! i hope you like my qoutes
Thanks Bye:)

Quotes by awesomechick12

roses are red, violets are blue, i have five fingers, the middle ones for you!


I throw my skittles in the air sometimes saying ayoo!

its a r
I wanna eat, I wanna eat a jalapeno!

every time i get a text message from you 
     I don't want to open it.


Life and love are like hide and seek. People send there whole life looking for love, but when they finally forget to look for it..... They find it.


Format: love_life3

 I am so clever, Sometimes i don't even no a word I'm saying:)

 I just broke up with someone and the last thing he said to me was.... You'll  never find anyone like me again! I'm thinking... I should hope not! If i dont want you, why would i want to find someone like you!

 Theres no half-singing in the shower, your either a rock star or an opera diva.

            Awesomechick12:) ♥
 Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like Shootinstars ! I could really use a Wish right now, Wish right now,  Wish right now:)

awesome chick 12:))
Your in love with me and you just don't know it yet. Everyone sees it, But you won't admit it. That your all ready in so deep and there's no going back. Noo, how much longer are you going to hide, make up your mind or you'll run out of time. I know that she's beautiful, but our love is inevitable. :)