
Joined: May 13, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 173734

ohhey. i'm alyssa. i'm a freshman. i like boys and girls. but i'm single. fuck people. fuck relationships, im done trying. the right person can find ME. i love marijuana. issue? take it up with someone who cares. cause, truth is, i dont give a fuuuhck and my excuse is that im young. eminem is my hero, he saves me. i love rapping, and photography is my passion. um, autumnbabyyy is my bff. mess with her, i'll also light you on fire. i get mad really easily, and i'm extremely violent. i've been through so much shit in my 14 years of living, its crazy. but the past is the past, and dont you ever say you know how i feel. cause you dont. i have ocd about small stuff. i also have tennitus, sleep insomnia, depression, and i'm kinda suicidal but not as bad anymore. i like rats. and hedgehogs. anyways, if you need anyone to talk to, i'm here. unless you piss me off. kkbye!


alyssa420's Favorite Quotes

It hurts when,
you hear your bestfriend call someone else their bestfriend.

I've always wondered,
if boys talk about us like we do them when they hang out in groups together.

A small part of me,
wants to be a school teacher, just so I can be that one awesome teacher that everyone loves.///////////////////////////

I'm not flirting.
I'm just being extra nice to someone who is extra attractive.

We never really grow up,
we only learn how to act in public.

People who say,
labour pain is the most intense pain
a human can feel have obviously
never stepped on lego in the dark.

This quote does not exist.

Boy: Why are
you straightening your hair?
Girl: Because straightening it makes it longer.
Boy: Really?
Girl: Yeah. Didn't you know that?
Boy: No..
Girl: Ok.
Psychiatrist: So, why did you try to put your dick into a hair straightener?
Boy: ...

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