
Joined: January 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 265066
Gender: F

I'm Taelor && I'm 13 years old. I love soccer, hollister, abercrombie & fitch, summer time, hottubs, boys, flip flops, Pretty Little Liars, friends, family, wiiiiittttyyyy, the color PINK, and mannnny moore! If any of my friends saw my witty, saw my quotes, I'd bet they feel real bad for everything they've done to hurt me. But I really love life, I've never thought about suicide. AT ALL. But I've always thought that if I was skinny, my life would be perfect. Follow me ? thaanks. (: 

Quotes by Tae14

Hey wiity girls, i need some advice on our favorite subject....BOYS. ;D So im in the 9th grade & theres a guy, Alix who I've liked since may. We text alot , but very little in person. & I only have one class with him but sometimes I catch him looking at me <3 but i need some advice as to how to get him to notice me ? Thaaaankk youuuuu. (((:

BOYS who are
nice to your siblings


Our most dangerous enemies are the ones we never knew we had.
What was it we say about appearances ? Yes, they can be decieving. But most of the time, what you see is what you get.
They say Rome wasn't built in a day...yet what a difference a day makes.

I am so fed up with friends spreading rumors, betraying, back stabbing & lying. Im just going to stop hoping we'll be best friends again, because nothing will ever be the same again

    It's okay
If I were you I'd pick her to
The moment when you realize you've been
 I just wish they could spend a week in my shoes,with my life. So maybe they'd realize, everything isnt as perfect as I pretend.

Why is it that when you open up to someone,
become like sisters, they descide to take advantage of you ?