
Joined: January 18, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 265066
Gender: F

I'm Taelor && I'm 13 years old. I love soccer, hollister, abercrombie & fitch, summer time, hottubs, boys, flip flops, Pretty Little Liars, friends, family, wiiiiittttyyyy, the color PINK, and mannnny moore! If any of my friends saw my witty, saw my quotes, I'd bet they feel real bad for everything they've done to hurt me. But I really love life, I've never thought about suicide. AT ALL. But I've always thought that if I was skinny, my life would be perfect. Follow me ? thaanks. (: 

Tae14's Favorite Quotes

When I get jealous.
It’s more than just a word.
It’s a whole different kind of feeling.
I get a knot in my stomach.
I can barely even speak because I’m too hurt for words.
I try to find other things to get my mind off of the situation,
but I can’t.
I replay whatever’s making me jealous
over and over in my head.
I doubt everything.
I feel like crying, but I don’t want to cry
over a misunderstanding.


 I act like I don't care
Whenever someone says something to me,
I laugh and shrug it off.
They keep saying it and saying it,
soon other people join in.
When you hear something enough times,
you start to believe it.
And that tears you down.
People don’t realize, there’s only so much
I’m able to handle..


& it's really sad
how i think about ending my life more than i do living it.
sometimes i don't think she realizes the words that come out of her mouth.
sometimes i don't think she realizes she's
hurting people.


tak ou the  ;

picture; blow off the dust;; [♥][♥][♥]
take off the frame; its starting to rust...

remember the times we had together?
{what happened to being}
   best friends forever?

i miss you so much;
You were my bestfriend
even though it was a while ago.
my memories of us
will never

I Wish I Had
the power to ignore you, like how you ignore me.

you can always tell how
      much you love someone by how much they can hurt you.



you hate me?
             it's okay, i kinda hate myself too.
This quote does not exist.