
Joined: June 20, 2009
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: August 26
user id: 80156
Gender: F
Sarahh (:
Hi I'm Sarah.  I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder while I was spending time in a mental hospital.  I'm not crazy, I was only there because of a suicide attempt. 

Quotes by Smileysarah12345

how   lucky   i   am   to
have   something   that
makes saying goodbye

so hard.
*Winnie the Pooh*

15th birthday!
Can I get 15 favs?

*(254 favs)*

It's like... ok.
I think enough ppl faved.

who else is
with life right now????

If you love someone,
you'd be willing to give up everything for them
if they loved you back,

they would never ask you to.

I never ever ever loved anyone so much.  I never thought I could. It's so incredible to be with you, to call you mine.  You make me feel beautiful. I just wanna be in your arms forever. I never knew love like this existed... I never knew fairytales came true. This is incredible, what we have. I love you.

If it's not those
cowboy boots in the summer
oh my gawd, i pray for another
chance to drive down back highways
so i stumble upon your beautiful face
your presence isnt what kills me
its that artistic gleam
thats taken over my scenery
dream by dream
you might think im incapable
of loving a soul like yours
you might think im a fool
**for you**


favorite this
and i will go to your profile, read your quotes (ill fav some if i like em), and i WILL FOLLOW YOU

i need help.
im inlove with my best friend. his names salvatore.
he cheated on me twice. i forgave him the first time because i love him. but now he made out with another girl and idk wat to do.. he keeps saying sorry but i feel like its gona happen again if i give him another chance. i love him. hes my best friend.

My boyfriend and I got into a fight
I wanted to talk to my best friend about it

problem is;

they're both you

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