
Status: Livin la vida loca
Joined: April 25, 2011
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 168918
Gender: F

Just kiss me slowly...2.28.12∞
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Hey (: I am 15 years old and I'm proud to say that I'm taken by the most adorable,cute,nice,amazaing,great guy EVER in this world :D . LO AMO, I love him A LOT and he brightens up my day (: jaja . Well I'm mexican and NO,, I dont wear a big sombrero and Im all fat and drink tequila and I have a mustache (: jaja . Feel free to talk to me if you want to talk to someone , I'm online like all day so I'ññ answer really fast :D . I DONT bite, soo talk to me :D jaja


i follow back on tumblr and twitter (:

Quotes by Rainbowchikz

with all the  smiles you
brought me,
I never thought that you could cause me so many tears


»is the fear of staying single.}

 Some studies ..

suggest that love is actually more addictive than cocaine

There exists
a book titled ´Everything a man knows about women´ that has around 100 pages all of which are blank.

You see youself 5 times more attractive in the mirror than you really are,thanks to your brain.

 This  means  im  5  times  more  ugly

In England suicide used to be

illegal. The punishmentent for

trying to kill

yourself was ´death´

A Chinese man sued his wife for being ugly,and won.
Nail polish color that would match with a black dress for a party?

help pleaseee

I barely receive questions in my ask box on tumblr.

but when I do, its of some creepy stranger wanting to see my tongue

o.o why me?.

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