
Status: Livin la vida loca
Joined: April 25, 2011
Last Seen: 5 years
user id: 168918
Gender: F

Just kiss me slowly...2.28.12∞
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Hey (: I am 15 years old and I'm proud to say that I'm taken by the most adorable,cute,nice,amazaing,great guy EVER in this world :D . LO AMO, I love him A LOT and he brightens up my day (: jaja . Well I'm mexican and NO,, I dont wear a big sombrero and Im all fat and drink tequila and I have a mustache (: jaja . Feel free to talk to me if you want to talk to someone , I'm online like all day so I'ññ answer really fast :D . I DONT bite, soo talk to me :D jaja


i follow back on tumblr and twitter (:

Comments by Rainbowchikz

Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to PaperLung
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I just hate how I'm only 15 years old and my dreams are already destroyed.. The dream of having kids that are mine 100%, you know? Like I am a woman and that's what I'm for and ugh... Sorry
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to WittyRose
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Chinese man articlee thingyy

Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to TaliaWasHere
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YESSS ! I used it :D sooo it was likee thiss... Okay so like we wer n spanish class and out of nowhere the teachers like 'diego has to make an annoucement' and so he goes up to the front and he says '6 months ago i made the best desicion ever, i asked arantza to be my gf' and then he asked me to go to the front and hes like 'happy anniversary' and we huggeddd and he gave me a basket w like flowers and a balloon that says 'te amo' and a card that says 'todday i want to discover whats the maximum limit of the kisses u're capable of receiving' and then thers this box n the shape of a heart that says 'love' and inside theres 2 charms, one for him and one for me.. And they're both the half of a heart, so sheaaa,together they make a full heart.. Then i gave him the poster and we kissed (: . and I used the title of ´183 days,183 reasons´
TaliaWasHere 1 decade ago to TaliaWasHere
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ahhhhh omg i cant being you used it, that makes me soooooo happy. lol sorry this took forever to reply. but you guys are adorable, i hope it lasts for you guys! you seem like a geuine couple since you both put forward so much effort:)
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to DestinyTulip
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itss haard tho
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to DestinyTulip
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Noo noo, you are not offending me saying my dad is out of control ... and well Im just sick of him saying that stuff like I´ve been hearing those type pf comments for the last 6 months every single week... and well ive tried to tell him that im n love and shtz and that i cant stop that feeling... buut all he says is that my love life is private and i shouldnt be postiing stuff online bout him, that not everyone needs to know i love him... but like COME ON! hes my bf, isnt it obious I love him? UGH, its so annoying.. and then he says that the feelings are not real and that they will go away n a couple of days... and i dont think hes right... and then im scared that if we get to our year anniversary my dad will tell me to brake up with him. because i wouldnt brake upwith him and theeen my dad would get .. ahg... its so so so annoying... sorry for venting :s
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to OmgzMichaelFTW
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ajajajajaja what would your plan would be like ? you knoow... for the killer behind the curtain :p
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to bella5296
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yesss... Im sure I dont mind :D ajajjajaja... I like helping people :) so veeeenttt
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to _spreadYOURwings_
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you areee soo gorgeouuss!! Check out my quotes?? ..
JK! I was just SO tempted to do that cuz I jus t read your quote x_________-x
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to spottedleaf
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ajajaja shaaa
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to spottedleaf
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well he IS an amazing guy (: ajajja
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to Stiff_Smile
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I ended up using the one that was ´183 days, 18 reasons´
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to khadijaismyname
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I ended up using the one that was ´183 days, 183 reasons´.. and I must say, yesterday was the best day of my life haha
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to spottedleaf
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Okay so like we wer n spanish class and out of nowhere the teachers like 'diego has to make an annoucement' and so he goes up to the front and he says '6 months ago i made the best desicion ever, i asked arantza to be my gf' and then he asked me to go to the front and hes like 'happy anniversary' and we huggeddd and he gave me a basket w like flowers and a balloon that says 'te amo' and a card that says 'todday i want to discover whats the maximum limit of the kisses u're capable of receiving' and then thers this box n the shape of a heart that says 'love' and inside theres 2 charms, one for him and one for me.. And they're both the half of a heart, so sheaaa,together they make a full heart.. Then i gave him the poster and we kissed (: . and I used the title of ´183 days,183 reasons´
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to Spanna
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you wouldnt know what i fell bout him, people do this kind of stuff all the time okay ? and i dare you to think of 183 things you like about your bf, lets see if its hard for you or not.. and well my bf knows i care and i love him with all my heartt and soul, but its sometimes nice if they tell you WHY they lovee youuu. jus saaying, you dont know what i feel for my bf, you dont know anythingg bout me.. so like please dont say that it wont last long cuz you know nothing about me. all the relationships are differentt , soo sheaa, dont make it sound like u know everything boutt meee.. k thanksss byeeee
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to Spanna
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not to be rude or anything, but its actually something cute if they do that to you. like knowing that theres 183 things that someone likes about you makes you feel special. and youre like the only one that didnt like the ideaa soooo, whatever jaja
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to a_pedophile
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i died..
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to spottedleaf
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yesss :D I will, maybe ill post a picture or something
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to TaliaWasHere
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i seriously love your idea for the posteerr... maybe ill take your idea.. ahg, i loved it, thaankkk uu soo muccch
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to jayneelove
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Ill keep in mindd thee titlee for the poster :) thanksss <3
Rainbowchikz 1 decade ago to crayola_Swag
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Ill keep in mindd thee titlee for the poster :) thanksss <3