
Joined: February 21, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 154263


Novacaine's Favorite Quotes

Anybody ever  had this coversation before,

"OK, if we get caught heres the story..."

(follow me, ifollow back!!)

The worst thing a boy could do to
a girl?

Well personally, I think it's to ignore her

while she is loving you

                              with all her heart


                                        -Liam Payne

format ThatsSoMeee ♥

The lazy rule:
Can't reach what I dropped.. don't need it.

Christmas #1:

Last year i asked for the sexiest person ever for Christmas
....I woke up in a box.

NMF/NMQ ;) I felt like dressing it up a bit.

*Walks into class late*
Teacher : Why are you late?
me :  I'm late?
Teacher: you just missed an entire period
me : Are you telling me i'm pregnant?!

twitter. nmf.



You are 8 and you have a IphoneWho do you call?

you have a laptop,
& blackberry.
When I was 10 I had a 


hide n' seek champs :
1. Waldo
2. Osama Bin Laden
3. my phone on silent



Friend: "OMG your parents are so nice!"

Me: "It's because you're here.."

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