
Joined: February 21, 2011
Last Seen: 9 years
user id: 154263


Novacaine's Favorite Quotes

If you call me hot, i'll be creeped out.
If you call me cute, i'll smile giddily.

you pick


We've all had that

Awkward moment when

We accidentally called a teacher



another j.e² format


"You actually said that!?"    
"No, but I thought it."

This quote does not exist.
When you were younger and you'd try to swear without getting in trouble
-Shut the f...ront door
-Fu...dge popsicles

I hate the word homophobia.
It is not a phobia.
You are not scared.
You are just an a

Dear Millionaires,

If you don't have trampolines as floors and a giant slide from your bedroom to your pool, then give me all your money because you are doing it wrong.

I know how to have a good time

Dear kid who just got called to the principal's office,


the rest of the class

Who ever invented the "Knock- Knock jokes" should get a "No-bell prize"


boy's sleepovers.

our expectations: talking about girls the way we talk about boys.

reality: "let's see who can play cod with our eyes closed the longest!"