
Joined: May 6, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 171994

Hey Witty Sisters!
I'm Emma, I'm 13, and I'm just now starting to REALLY understand Witty! 
Wanna know some stuff about me? 
I love music! Evanescence, Three Days Grace, Nightwish, Within Temptation, Jack Off Jill, Paramore, Silver Sun Pickups, Nirvana, and Breaking Benjamin are just a FEW of my favorite bands!

I'm also in LOVE with South Park! Kenny McCormick is AH-MAZE-ING. If you love South Park, you need to follow me! ;)
I also love to write stories and poetry! I know I may not be that good, but it's a passion of mine, thus I follow it.

Quotes by MisstressRaven17

Why do we sleep in Church, but wake up the moment the sermon is over?
Why is it so hard to talk about God, yet so easy to gossip?
Why do we feel bored when reading a Christian magazine, but interested when reading a
gossip magazine?

Why do we skip over the Godly messages, but read the others?
Why are Churches growing smaller, but bars and clubs growing bigger?
Why do we find it hard to peacefully fight for what we believe in, but get into fist-fights with ease?
Think about it- are you going to spread this message, or ignore it because you might get laughed at? 
Remember what the Lord said, "Deny me in front of your friends, and I will deny you in front of my Father."
Why wait for
When God is always there?
Confessions #3
I know it's weird, but the song "My Heart Beats For Love" by Miley Cyrus inspires me to write. It's one of those songs that give me ideas... :/
Nothing is impossible
Even the word itself says,
"I'm Possible"
Whenever I look up a medical condition on Google...

You have-

*Heart Attack
*Life Threatening Disease
*What I Really Have

My only hope
My only peace
My only joy
My only strength 
My only power
My only life
My only love

Love The God Who Gave You Life

Just Wondering...

How many of you are 90's kids?

Fave if you're from the 90's

Comment if you're not

(I'm from the 90's!)

I'm just bigger than you :)