Inspirational Quote #3471988
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Why do we sleep in Church, but wake up the moment the sermon

Why do we sleep in Church, but wake up the moment the sermon is over?
Why is it so hard to talk about God, yet so easy to gossip?
Why do we feel bored when reading a Christian magazine, but interested when reading a
gossip magazine?

Why do we skip over the Godly messages, but read the others?
Why are Churches growing smaller, but bars and clubs growing bigger?
Why do we find it hard to peacefully fight for what we believe in, but get into fist-fights with ease?
Think about it- are you going to spread this message, or ignore it because you might get laughed at? 
Remember what the Lord said, "Deny me in front of your friends, and I will deny you in front of my Father."

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posted August 5, 2011 at 10:32am UTC tagged with inspirational

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