
Joined: August 7, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 204696
Having to change my account again.... I feel ashamed, no not at me but having to feel so scared of voicing my opinion, just cus someone else might spread them.

Quotes by Mikia

Hey Witty, this may be my last time here.
I have to go to the mental health clinic.
I hate living, I always wanted to die and I kinda told my psycologist that... So now I am going there tomorrow after school. I only told one person and I will tell my other friends at the end of the day...
I feel so scared, I just so unsure.

What is wrong with you?
Why don't you just leave me alone I don't want anything to do with you.
I don't even know who you are anymore.
You don't know me, I don't care if you claim that you do... Well you don't.
You don't even know who I talk about on my quotes, sure you can assume but you don't know.
You don't need to know who I like no one does, but I express my
Far out I get so mad just thinking that.
My pschologist told me it is not worth thinking about you or what ever the hell happened.
I have better things to worry about.. She couldn't be any more right.
Witty profiles was supposed to be my safe haven.
Where I can write what I feel and be supported.
Now because of you I am going to change my Witty account.

I don't care if it seems I am cold hearted, it is just the way I am.
You are the least of my problems.

I know how much it hurt when she left me.
I know how badly it broke me.
I know you were there.
But just one day I was quiet.. and you left me remember.
Sure I was walking a little slow but you left me.
I can never leave someone the way she did.
Don't tell me I left you.
You have no idea what a load of bs that is.

I am putting everything else aside, all my school issues.
I have to concentrate on my family problems...
Nothing else matters, it is not as important than my family problems.

Steve knows !


(When does the narwhal bacon)


And it all comes crashing down.

Oh gosh... I can't take it anymore.
Get me out of here.

I know that there are people suffering worse than me, who are still being beaten, bullied and so many worse things.
Sure my time has been up and that part of my life is gone...
but the memories, they are haunting me, sure back then I wanted to forget everything but I just started to forget...
and in the worse way possible.
Not only am I forgetting those memories I am forgettin everything else too. But the thing is in order for me to get better and get help, I need to remember those memories but I can't and that alone is enough to drive me mad.

I gave up a long time ago on life.
I wanted to be happy but life had other plans.