
Joined: April 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 289674
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Hey, welcome to my profile! I am a very interesting person, so hit that follow button to know more about me. I'm unique, the awesomest dork you will ever know, and can be really sarcastic. I love music! It's my everything. Especially rock. I love rock n' roll!! Did you just sing that in your head the way i did? That's the power of meee! Well, i don't really know what else to say & i sort of have to go so just enjoy my quotes and if you need anything, i'll be here to help you.  

Quotes by McKenzie8463

Holy... crap... Led Zeppelin reunited for a concert in 2007, and they're releasing it as a movie! BRB, DYING!!!!!

Every morning, I have to convince myself that it's worthwhile to get out of bed.
I never completely convince myself.


I'm losing my mind and you don't even notice.
You don't even care.


Sometimes, I just wish I could stop existing.
Why can't my brother think about my feelings sometimes?
Why does he have to put me down?
Why can't we actually get along?
I've never known what it was like to have a real brother.
It's not like I'm depressed, because I don't think I am.
But, my mind definitely isn't a good place to be right now.
And nobody even notices.

Holy crap, I am 100% serious when I say this, and this was the most hilarious thing I have ever seen or heard in my life.
Some lady sent my mom a letter saying that she was aware that I was her daughter and wanted me to participate in a modeling competition! Holy crap, it was legit, too, a real modeling competition.

I don't know what blind guy picked me out, but that was honestly so hilarious!
Makeup is completely unessecary. Seriously, true beauty is natural.

- Dude in my class. This gives me hope. :)
Today, my grandma asked me why me and my best friend didn't spend the night at each other's houses a lot this summer. I didn't say anything. Why we didn't see each other a lot is because I don't want her near my brother, at my house. I say no when she asks me over to her house, because I don't want to have to pretend like I'm okay for one more person close to me. My brother has been getting worse. A few days ago, he told me I was ugly, and made fun of how I was trying to lose weight. He makes fun of my heroes, the people who inspire me the most. I wish somebody would do something about it. I don't think I can take four more years of this. I need somebody to talk to; I need help.
The best songs come from extreme happiness or extreme pain. The rest are just meaningless.

- Tommy Lee
I think I should share my opinion on a few things, as so many other people have chosen to do.
One Direction: Do I like them? Yes. Do I like it when people argue about them? No. Here is something that I propose. There is a category on here called Celeb of the Moment if any of you have noticed. You should put all of your One Direction quotes, and post them on there. If you're going to write a story about them, fine. Keep them in the story category. That's all I've gotta say about it.
Nutella: I love Nutella! As a matter of fact, my best friend once had to take a jar of it away from me because I was eating so much. However, if I see a quote saying that somebody's never tried it, am I gonna freak out on them? No. If I see a quote saying that they don't like Nutella, am I gonna freak out about it? No. Because, it's a food! If you don't like it, fine by me! That just means that there's more to myself.
New Wittians: I, myself, am not that old of a Wittian. I've been on here for only a few months. However, I don't like it when people complain about all the new Wittians coming on and 'ruining the site'. Why? Because, most things change. Scratch that, everything changes. I cannot tell you one thing that hasn't changed in the time that it's been on the Earth. And, believe it or not, us new Witty-goers might have something to contribute. And, there are new people coming on here that have found as much of a home on Witty as you have, like me, for example.
Guys on Witty: If you're a guy on Witty, good for you. You might learn how to treat a girl right while you're on here. However, don't try to use your gender as a way to get followers. Don't say that every girl that you see on Witty is beautiful, because you probably don't think that it's true. You might think that everyone on here has a beautiful personality, or something, but you cannot tell me that you believe every girl's picture you have ever seen on here is physically attractive.
Mark Wahlberg: He's hot. Felt I should share that with you.
Seriously, guys, all of this is getting way out of control. I can't go through quotes anymore without seeing somebody fighting, or somebody's feelings getting hurt because they've been fighting. When I first joined Witty, I was under the impression that we were a family, that we were sisters. That you would go on here without being judged, but that has obviously proven me wrong.
Fave/comment if I should do a series.

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