
Joined: April 5, 2012
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 289674
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Hey, welcome to my profile! I am a very interesting person, so hit that follow button to know more about me. I'm unique, the awesomest dork you will ever know, and can be really sarcastic. I love music! It's my everything. Especially rock. I love rock n' roll!! Did you just sing that in your head the way i did? That's the power of meee! Well, i don't really know what else to say & i sort of have to go so just enjoy my quotes and if you need anything, i'll be here to help you.  

McKenzie8463's Favorite Quotes

We look
at ourselves

and pick out any feature,
physical or mental,
and criticize it.

Others look at us and pick out that very same feature,
and may think it’s the most beautiful thing
they’ve ever laid their eyes on.

It’s truly crazy how that is...


Who else thinks it's not

being a good boyfriend

when he chooses to go

to a concert on his

girlfriend's birthday?!

i wanna go on a shopping trip where
i am the only one in the shopping mall and everything i want is free.


You want to know
what living life

to the fullest actually is?
It’s waking up on a Monday morning with no complaints.
It’s knowing you always deserve to laugh.
It’s doing what feels right no matter what.
It’s doing what you want to, no matter how stupid you look.
It’s about being yourself,
because no one can tell you
you’re doing it wrong...


sometimes, i think to myslef,
"do i really want to buy another chocolate bar?"
and then i remember that there is a super volcano under Yellowstone that is 40,000 years overdue and when it erupts it could potentionally cover most of North America in an and create a voncanic winter that kills half the worlds population.
and then i'm like, heck yeah i want that chocolate bar.


imagine a library filled with every book in the world,
none of them have titles on the cover and the pages are blank, but when you open one you are instantly transported to the world within the book. you get to live in the story as any character for as long as you like. and when you come out of the story, almost no time has passed in the real world.


I really hope this catches on.

"We were in a small coffee shop.
Two customers arrive.
"5 coffees. 2 for us, 5 pending."
They pay for the 5, they only recieve two.

"Whats a pending coffee?" someone asks.
"Wait and see."

More customers.
Two girls get coffee, they pay normally.

After a while, 3 lawyers ask for 7 coffees.
They only drink 3, but paid for the 7.

While we we talking, a poor man enters the shop.
With a soft voice he asks, "Do you have any pending coffee?"

This type of charity was born in Napoli (Naples, Italy).
People pay with anticipation fir the coffees and even meals
for others who cannot.


I want to go some place new.
I’m tired of living in the same place
and walking around the same places.
I want to meet new people.
I want to experience a new life.
The feeling of starting fresh could be adventurous
and somewhat exciting.


Can you imagine
if someone sent you
a list of all the reasons
why they love you?


have you ever had a legitimate crush on
an actor like to the point where you're not even fangirling anymore, you just actually love them.