
Joined: July 14, 2011
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 194777
Sword And Shield The Legend Of Zelda

Quotes by Kart123


So there's this Guy...

And the way he laughs
Makes me smile,
and the way he talks
gives me butterflies,
and everything about him,
makes me happy.
I Love Him.

The best part is that he is mine
Happy 9 Month Anniversary Babe!

So there's this guy,
And the way he laughs
Makes me smile,
and the way he talks
gives me butterflies,
and everything about  him,
makes me happy.
I Love Him.
The best part is that
he is mine

Im  not weird.
I am

Limited Edition♥


format credit to OneDirection


I know that most of you wont read this, but if you do it would mean a lot..
Ever since i was in fourth grade, i started to write a book. Last September, I finished that novel at 583 pages. The very next day i seached for an editor. I looked and looked and looked, but nine months later, i still could not find one. I looked every single day for one, and at this point i was losing hope. I thought that i would never find one. I thought that i could never finish my book. I talked about it with my cousin, and she urged me to move forward. I did so, and the several days later i found one. I finally found my editor. I could not express that joy that came from me that day. I handed her the manuscript. Now, less than a month later, her work is almost completed. After that, all i have to do is fix the mistakes, rewrite the first thirty pages, copyright, and send it out to publishers to get approved. 
After that, i am done. After that, i will have published my own precious creation.
After that, i will have completed a book. I will be an accomplished author. I will be only 14 and finished with one of my several books. I wil be happy because i am doing my dream.

My point in telling you my story is to teach you a lesson. Not in a mean way, but to tell you how to make you so much happier with life.

Everyone has a dream they want to accomplish in their life. People are gunna tell you that you can not do it, but what you gotta do is prove them wrong. People in my life told me that I could never finish a book, never be a writer, but look where I ended up. I wrote my book. Even if it never becomes published work, it is still a novel. I am proud of what I did, because I am following my dream. And you should too.  Yea, people are gunna put you down for whatever you want to do, but don't listen to them. Let you write your own story, your own life, and don't let anyone else control it.
Follow your dreams and never give up.

True Story guys

If you were a carrot, you would be the best carrot

I know you are going to probably skip past this just because this quote is not pretty. Just one of the several reasons why I am probably going to Leave Witty.
    First off, now it is all about how popular the person is or how pretty the quote is to get faves. It matters on the quote itself and its meaning, not how pretty it is. And you wonder why society is the way it is.....
    Witty has been so full of One Direction. I love them all, but seriously? You guys are over the obsessed point, you are like, smothering their name! I am getting sick of them from you guys never shutting up about them!
    Witty has been so depressing. Whenever i go on here, I get sad looking at all the quotes saying " Oh, goodbye". I have a feeling that some of you are doing this for attention. I know some of you are seriously thinking those horrible thoughts, but don't. God made you for a reason. Don't take that reason away.
    Nobody cares anymore. Do i really need to explain this?

Goodbye Witty. You were good to me for a while. Maybe I will visit again. Maybe.

Guys who;; #4
Date you over the summer.
It shows that you love me for who i am, as awkward as i may be, and not dating me for my body.

Idea from Nigel9086. I am giving the guys the advice now ;D JK
But still Nigel9086, thanks for the idea!

School is over now. But me, being unlike everyone else, wants to stay in school. I want to be with my friends, the best boyfriend anyone could ask for, and just not go into highschool.
I am as sad as heck.


Love is like fire.
Only certain people can make it grow bigger and not go out.

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