
Joined: December 14, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
user id: 139731

so this is me.
  i won't take control
  Mary ; things I ♥.  
the beach. pink.   sparkles. summer. boys. music. uggs. mascara. nailpolish. bracelets. smoothies. gum. raspberries. stars. perfume. bubbles. rhinestones. being tan.  reading. shopping. pictures. starbucks.  turtles. tumbling. cheering. heels. sequins. dressing up. temple run.  sharpies. rain. s'mores.  ice cream.
dare to dream. // ♥ ♥
and here is to the heartbreakers, 
who are so good at hiding all the evidence. status;never regret something that made you smile. (1/17/12 4:19 PM)
The name's mary. Just your indescribable high schooler. Without my friends, I'd be lost.  Nicole, Lauren, Kelsey, and Ashley are the best ones I could ever have. Special shoutout to Lauren. First friend ever. ♥ I also love my insane family. Not too small; not too big. So many good times, hehe. I'm a cheerleader & i love it. Go ahead and judge me; 99% of the time, you're gonna have the wrong idea. stereotypes are childish; cheer suits me more than anything and i feel like myself when I do it. Maddie Gardner is my athletic role model. I'm also a gymnast, and swimmer. I love to dance too:) I'm pretty good at school stuff, but i hate it. i believe in God. if you don't, that's okay. I'm kind of a troublemaker, but i'm happy, outgoing, and optimistic. I love making people smile. I always smile myself, no matter what's wrong. If you let people believe they can bring you down, they'll know to try. I like to fit in; yet I want to stand out. I like to talk. I underestimate myself a lot. i've been called pretty, but I don't really believe it. I hate when people think less of me for associating with someone THEY don't like. I talk to whoever I want. I believe that everything happens for a reason. I love music; Mac Miller, Drake, Nicki Minaj, and Ke$ha.
This is my life. I seem like the most boring girl you'll ever meet; but I can't be summed up in blank words. Get to know me by leaving me a comment on my page or something. You'll be glad you did:) My 204 followers make my world. Thanks for visiting; I love you; & happy Wittying. Stay gorgeous. And most importantly, love life. 


GymnastBabee97's Favorite Quotes

I hate that thing that happens

Right before you sleep.
Every mistake you've ever made,
Every word you wish you never said,
Every moment that made you cry
rushes through your head

and all you can do about it is cringe
and pretend it never happened...


"No they don't. Why should they?"


Today my school had a fire drill

I was standing outside with one of the most popular football players when a girl with Down Syndrome came up to him and wanted him to hold her hand because she was scared. Happily, he held her hand in front of all of his friends back to class.


So sweet, wish guys like this went to my school.

Lets flip a coin,
Heads - we stay together
Tails - we flip again....


I always get so scared
when i go into a store wearing something they sell

and i'm all like
"i didn't shoplift. i didn't shoplift. i didn't shoplift. i didn't shoplift. i didn't shoplift. i didn't shoplift. i didn't shoplift."


Him:So, this is kinda awkward. But would you be my girlfriend?
The Me: Omg, yes! :) You have no idea how long I've wanted you to say that < 3
Him:OOPS, that was for someone else. Sorry...
Oh, yeah my message was for someone else to. What a weird coincidence! 


Fave if you do one of these in class :
1. Peel off your nail polish
2. Search your hair for split ends
3. Check the clock every 5 minutes
4. Draw hearts on your paper
5. Draw smileys on your hand
6. Secretly eat ,
Hope I'm not the only one(:



he worst feeling

                 Feel the pain in your chest from seeing/hearing that   |||||||||||||||||||||











Yeah, I'm hurting. But on goes the mascara and lip gloss. That's right . I'll be the prettiest damn wreck you've ever seen.

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