
Status: hi .
Joined: November 15, 2010
Last Seen: 1 decade
Birthday: July 27
user id: 134005
Gender: F

My name is Kiana
I like making friends :) Just comment on my profile.
Instagram - kianafunaki
kik - kianafunaki_
Have any questions? ask :) 

Quotes by CallMeKiana

You did it
idk how you did it,
but some how, you made me fall for you.

really, really hard.


stop being so perfect and making me want you

is it wrong
for me to expect this to work out
for me for once.


Babe, if I see you
the next period you'll have will be out of your nose


things i hate #1
i hate people who pick on people who are weaker and wont fight back

and now all i want is to be with him...

i think im falling for "him"
and its not bad because he actually is an amazingly decent guy with a good future
its just the fact im too scared im not good enough for anyone to like me



I try so hard 

To make everyone happy
To get good grades
To look good everyday
To not make mistakes
But no matter what

I ruin everything.



I fell for him because of  his smile



This story is really lame but anyway
Today, I was having a crap day lots on my mind, 
& idk I was getting off the bus and out of courtesy
I stopped to let this
guy go in front of me cause
he let other people go and I’m a nice human being
he’s just looked up at me with the biggest, whitest amazing smile & said “thanks”
& idk it was like the best smile ever

& It made me & still is, making me smile like a fool
& It was the nicest thing that happened to me all day.
That is my problem, this is the start of a crush.


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