
Joined: February 3, 2012
Last Seen: 11 months
user id: 270251

Quotes by 15robertsn


My Friend: Wow, Harry Potter had everything.  He was good at sports, he had a girlfriend who later became his wife, he had a magic wand, he had great friends, he vanquished evil from the world, for God's sake!  He could get anything he wanted.
Me: Except parents.

An Asian: Yeah, I'm in all AP classes, I have straight A's, I'm already accepted into every college, I'm involved with every school club, I can speak 28 languages fluently, I play every instrument except the slide whistle, I'm a professional ballerina, and I invented the Internet.
Me: *another busy day of doing nothing*

After mating, the female praying mantis bites off the head of the male praying mantis.
Be my praying mantis <3

I gave up the internet for Lent.

became part of, 
enlisted in, 
and enrolled in 
the Thesaurus Club.

Does anyone else wish that they could start their life over and be the 
smartest baby ever?
Dad: Did you hear that they caught Selena Gomez kissing a girl?
Me: dad
Dad: Do you know what that girl's name was?
Me: dad no
Me: dad please stop
Me: goodbye dad
Grandma: Do you have a girlfriend?
Me: Yes, of course.  She's wonderful, sweet, and she spends so much time with me...
Grandma: He's talking about Nutella again, isn't he.
Mom: Yep.
omg, the 90's were the best time!!
(says the 12 year old born in December 1999)