Teen Quotes

I am a teen.
I have a messy room.
I spend most of my time online.
I have private things on my phone.
I go to bed late and
I am crazy about one person.

«Okαy,so you αre trying say to me, thαt Demi Lovαto is just α singer.I think not.She's α wαrrior & αn idol.»
when I think STYLES i think stilinski .
Just finished 3 online job applications. Slow down, life. 
If you ever need advice, messsage me; https://www.7cupsoftea.com/ListenerDetails/UnknownTeen06/
so, I almost hit a kid (teen) tonight.
I was driving into town with my sister,
and when we were just starting in, we
were behind a car that had to swerve 
to go around two kids (again, they were
teens) that were goofing off on the side
of the road. I was fairly close behind the 
car, so I copied them quickly because
there was a hill and you can't do that
s.hit on a hill. anyway, as soon as I 
swerved over, the kid on the inside
f.ucking darts into the right lane and
swings his arm out. seeing as I was
still mainly in the right lane, it scared 
the s.hit out of me. I probably just 
missed him. I don't know if he was
just going off of sound and thought
the only car coming was the car
in front of me, or if he was being a
little s.hit on purpose, or if he was
drunk (teen doesn't mean s.hit when
it comes to alcohol), but either way,
I have this extreme urge to go back 
and beat some sense into the moron.
It p.isses me off because if I would
have hit the f.ucker, that would have
been on me, not him- the one that
jumped in front of the road with
arms out wide.

I hate people.

I’m a teenager why does my back hurt I’m not 70 years old!
Most teenagers in school these days are desperate to lose their virginity...when I was in school the only thing I was desperate for was to get home in time to watch my favourite show on disney channel!


When I look back at my high school days i just WFT was wrong with me like why did I do half the stuff I did...I used to cry all the time whenever shouted or said something to me...im an idiot thats what I am! (most teenagers probably didnt do this but idiots like me did)
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