Best Teen Quotes This Week

Five year old me:  I want to become a mermaid!
Fifteen year old me: I said mermaid, not whale!

We obviously have friends because we share common interests, right? Well look at this great non-biased research:

Cats: Sleeps all day, parties at night, eats, sleeps, not socialable, hides when people are near
Teenage Girls On Witty: Sleeps all day, parties at night, sleeps, not socialable, hides when people are near

I am a genius
Why aren't there adult sized playgrounds?
Like, everything is the same as a kids playground, but bigger. Why do we not have those?

In a resteraunt.
When I was 8 years old: ~eats chicken fingers~

~ignores napkin and uses lap as human napkin~

Now as a teen: ~still eats chicken fingers~
~still ignores napkin and uses lap as human napkin~

Wait puberty hold on
you forgot the part where I become attractive 
Why I'll be the best parent ever:
When I get into a big fight with my future teenage child and they won't back down I'm just going to yell, "Thank God I'm not your biological mother!" Then I'll watch them freak out for a few minutes before saying, "Nah, I'm just kidding." And then they'll get all mad and I'll just be like, "That's what you get for giving me attitude." And then my husband will just be there like, "Oh my God."
Waving "hi" to security cameras!

Mom: You're the only teenager I know who back talks and on the computer 24/7!
Me: Am I Mom.. Am I really?

The fastest  land mammal is the teenager who sees mom pulling in the driveway and realizes that they forgot to do some chores.


normal teenager:

 sneaking out the house

 to party at 1 am


 sneaking out of my

 bedroom to get a bag

 of cheetos and making

 myself a sandwich at

 1 am


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