Vent Quotes

 And all you do is abuse the fact that I'm always around for you. Waiting for a message, a chance to hang out.

 It's pathetic that i just drop everything for you, but it's never returned.

 I have never felt more alone.

 The worst part is, I have split so badly that nothing matters anymore. I feel nothing, I can't attach to anyone and nothing feels real. Not even my closest friend.

 Having a favorite person is a literal death sentence.

 What you don't realize is just how badly I've split. I've never felt more alone and isolated from all those I hold dear whilst they move on through life without me just fine.

 I can literally feel myself splitting and pushing people away.

 And just when I thought I could catch my breath, life was there to rip it from my lungs before it could even form.

Alike the words I wished I could scream out and ask for help, they were all hitched in my throat.

It will never truly be over and I will never be free of this pain, it's a never ending cycle.


Well here we go again. Playing games with some friends, and I get singled out for being the reason "the team dynamic isn't working". That's after I got yelled at for playing characters differently than others or not the way they want me to. Then talking crap about the character I'm using because they don't want to "hurt my feelings" by telling me I suck to my face.

I immediately mute my mic and burst into tears. Then I pick myself up after completely falling apart and say, "That was my last one guys, goodnight."

Then I immediately break down, again.
I hate holidays. I hate spending time with toxic people just because they’re “family”. I’m cancelling holidays from now on.
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