Quotes added on Friday, March 20 2015

The person you will marry is currently walking the earth, living their own life, creating memories that you'll hear about years from now. ♥
good ever
came from
Smoke one,
chill and
handle it.
Everyday there will be an opportunity to Smile or to Frown, to Dance or to Drown, to be Glad or Sad. It's a Choice!-RVM ‬
I love that this website is still around. I first came on here when I was 16 and I am about to be turning 21 soon. This site helped me get all my feelings out there and get advice/support from people who understood what I was going through.  I went through some pretty rough things when I was in my teens and I thought that it would never get better, and that caused some actions that I'm not so proud of.  But I just want to let all of you that are struggling with something, being bullyed, etc. it will get better. You just got to believe in yourself and have faith. If anyone that I used to talk to back then is still on here actively I just want to say thank you for helping me get through those bad times, and for being a friend. <3 
I don't wanna make you a woman

I wanna take you to that being, you were meant to be,

A Princess of God
This quote does not exist.
I'm not a writer, or a poet, or anything that can be considered special. I am broken beyond repair and most days I don't know that I want to be fixed. I grow bored with myself and with my world, and I fall in love with the wrong people. I am flawed and tragic and not worth glamorizing, but most importantly I am.
Cross Off the Things You Have Done

Graduated high school
Kissed Someone
Smoked a cigarette
Got so drunk you passed out
Rode in a police CAR for something you didn't do

Rode every ride at an amusement park
Collected something really stupid
Gone to a rock concert
Helped someone
Gone fishing

Watched four movies in one night
Gone long periods of time without sleep
Lied to someone
Snorted cocaine
Failed a class

Dealt drugs
Been in a car accident
Been in a tornado
Done hard drugs
Watched someone die

Been at a funeral
Burned yourself
Ran a marathon
Cried yourself to sleep
Spent over $200 in one day

Flown on a plane
Cheated on someone
Been cheated on 
Written a 10 page letter
Gone skiing

Been sailing
Cut yourself on accident
Had a best friend
Lost someone you loved

Shoplifted something

Been to jail
Dangerously close to being in jail
Skipped school
Skipped class
Had detention

Got in trouble for something you didn't do
Stolen books from the library
Gone to a different country
Dropped out of school
Been in a mental hospital

Been treated in a mental hospital
Watched the “Harry Potter” movies
Had an online diary
Fired a gun
Had a yard sale

Had a lemonade stand
Actually made money at a lemonade stand
Been in a school play
Been fired from a job
Taken a lie detector test

Swam with dolphins
Gone to sea world
Voted for someone on a reality TV show
Written poetry
Read more than 20 books a
Written a 30 page essay
Gone to Europe
Loved someone you shouldn't have
Befriended someone you shouldn't have
Used a coloring book over age 12

Had surgery
Had stitches
Taken a taxi
Seen the Washington Monument
Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once

Had a drug or alcohol problem
Relative to someone who had a serious alcohol/drug problem
Been in a fist fight
Suffered any form of abuse

Gone surfing in California
Had a hamster
Pet a wild animal
Used a credit card

Did “spirit day” at school 

Dyed your hair
Got a tattoo 
Had something peirced
Got straight As
Been on the honor roll
Known someone with HIV or AIDS 


I do not want to know why you did it; I do not want a with you or a without you; what I want, girl with sad eyes, is for you to die for me 😔
John 8:36 If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed. ;
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