Quotes added on Wednesday, April 17 2013

Dear future me,
Hopefully you've made it through,hopefully the scars on your arms and legs faded.Maybe you have a job,or maybe you're married,you might even have kids.I just hope your more happier and more confident.
What's stopping me?
Just because ur over weight doesnt mean no one wants to look at u
Just because you have acne that doesnt mean no one wants to kiss u
Just because ur smile is slanted that doesnt mean no one wants to see ur smile
Just because ur quiet that doesnt mean no one wants to hear u talk. No one is perfect, just show everyone that ur worth it. Everyone is beautiful.
Age 5
Pigtails and laughter
Bright eyes
Beliving she was beautiful
Age 10
Curly and a smile
Dull eyes
Believing she was okay
Age 13
Loose hair and a frown
Darkening eyes
Believing she was never good enough
Age 15
Straight hair and tears
Lifeless eyes
No longer believing in anyone or anything.
- m.w.t

And so I ended up cutting myself.
I drag the blade across my wrist. I've never felt better. But I've never felt worse. -hv
Ok so I don't know if you guys know this or not but my crush & I stopped talking a few months ago so today, I wanted to see how he was doing so I Kiked him. He asked how I was doing &I told him I'm hanging in, &then I told him about my whole emotional break down today,which I didn't mean to but, I needed someone to listen. He said he was sorry to hear what I was going through &told me that he would be there whenever i needed someone to talk to. He has no idea that he made my entire day especially because I've been crushing on him for so long. I'm going to reward him with a big hug tomorrow! & I even told my mom that I liked him, cant wait to see where things go!😊💜
Because I'm crazy, baby, I need you to come here and save me
I'll never tell you how much I cried that day. 
The voices inside my head keep saying cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut cut.
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