Quotes added on Friday, September 7 2012

One in a Million

*Chapter One Hundred & Nineteen; Part Two*
Amber's POV:
~April; 5 Months~

       "I was just asking, Mommy." Alice in Wonderland finally ended and we decided to watch another Disney classic; Bambi. Thumper was giving his, 'If you don't have anything nice to say' speach when Liam burst through the door; his arms filled with brown, paper bags. Lilli ran to the door to help him and he handed her the smallest bag to carry to the kitchen.
   "Hi Honey," I said from the sofa. He looked at me and smiled, replying with a soft 'Hi'. Once he got Lilli to put away the things he bough, he came over to me to kiss my forehead quickly. We made some small talk from the seperate rooms; I honestly couldn't get up.
   "Hey, can we talk about something?" His voice raised a little as he packed the ceral away in the pantry.
   "Sure, what's up?" I got up off the sofa and waddled over to the fridge; I wanted some blueberries. I pulled out the chair from the kitchen table and sat down to listen to Liam.
   "Well, it's been awhile since I saw my Mum," He rubbed his elbow as he took a seat next to me. The jar sat in the middle of the table and his hand dove right in, taking  a handful of blueberries. He popped a few in his mouth and asked me, "And I was thinking I should go visit her and my Dad."
   "That sounds like a wonderful idea, Sweetheart." I knew how much he missed them, and I felt terrible always keeping him at home because of Lilli and the baby. He was going to go for a Friday, Saturday, and Sunday then come home Sunday night. I told him I'd be fine without him for a few days; I'd invite the boys over and even see Isabella and Mickey again. I had to talk to Isabella about Grace's wedding, anyway.
   On Friday morning, Liam left me in bed early so he could be in Wolverhampton by noon. When I finally did get up, I saw he had left Lilli and I a short note that basically said I'll love and miss you. My coffee mug was filled to the top with hot tea as I searched through my phone contacts, looking for someone to hang out with today. My finger hovered over a name before quickly hitting the call button. It rang three times before he answered.
   "Hello?" Niall's husky, Irish morning voice sang through the phone.

Thanks for reading, Loves! So any predictions? Any ideas? I'd love to hear them all! So I'm reading the extrodinHARRY story by 1DWriters... omg you have to read it! It's truly the best! Oh, and sorry I haven't written lately; school sucks! I'll post another chapter tomorrow though! :)xx

Amber's Outfit: http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/set?id=58277738

Format by Sandrasaurus

This quote does not exist.
Since when is giving your opinion a bad thing?
why cant tears take the sadness out and let it run down your face and hit the floor? WHY!

Not To Spoil The

Ending For You....


 [ format credit LouisTomlinsonFacts ]
This quote does not exist.
I want to hear you say
"You give me something to die for."
Sometimes you leave not because of stop loving him/her, but because things will get worse if you stay together

I really wish
He felt the same way.

I don't like the guys who say they are a "Nice guy" but turn out to be such jerks
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