Quotes added on Monday, June 25 2012

doesn't it kind of scare you? how the people you know now, in a few years with be people you knew.
even people on the internet. maybe one day they'll just stop coming on. or stop breathing.
you'll never now because of the distance. it scares me a lot actually. in 20 years we could all log back on this website and think, 'hey, i remember them.' i wonder where they are in life. and how they are doing.
and it'll make me sad.
or will we even remember these people? will they just be a memory? or will we not even like eachother in a few months?
i might not even meet some of the people i talk to on here. i can't get too attached. because if i never really know you in real life,
it will kill me inside. i don't know if i can keep doing this.
and also, the people in school. the people you walk back everyday in the halls will just be memories one day. and that absolutely terrifies me.
disohajd ugh ok, i'm just thinking too much right now bye


Roses are dead,
I lost you dude,
but thats ok,
because I have food.


Driving in your car, I can't tell what you're thinking.
We're not going far, but I hold on to this feeling, don't you see it?
'Cause I can't help myself whenever I'm with you...

So I'm not good enough for you?
It's okay, I never am...
Life's a game but it's not fair
I break the rules so I don't care.


Old Days

Chapter 6

I walk out of my first period classroom and see Kathy. She gives me a nasty look and puts John's arm around her shoulder. I guess she's trying to prove that she has the boyfriend and I don't. Thanks Kathy.
I ignore her as much as I can and walk into second period. I see Danny again and things are kind of awkward.
I take my seat next to Danny and we give each other a quick glance and then we turn away.
Second period took forever to end. I just kept wanting to look at Danny, but I didn't want to look crazy. 
Honestly, I'm surprised he's acting so weird around me, especially because I would have expected him to be used to the kind of attention from girls even prettier than me.
The rest of the day went pretty quickly. A couple dirty looks were exchanged between Kathy and me and the whole episode between Danny and me, but that's pretty much it.
I go home on the bus, sitting where I sat this morning, away from Kathy.
When I get home, my mom is dressed in jeans, a T-shirt and a cap. "Ready for baseball?" I ask her.
"Yes!" She says jumping up and down a couple of times.
"It starts at 3:30, so we've got an hour to kill," I say and her face drops.


The hour was slow and painful. All I did was check Facebook and play with my pencil. It wasn't very fun.
"Come on! Let's go!" My mom called from downstairs at 3:15.
I quickly go down the stairs and run out the front door. My mom follows and we head for the baseball field.
Once we get there, we see the baseball teams warming up. My mom parks the car and dashes towards the bleachers. I just walk behind.
"Olivia!" I hear my mom call out. A lady with long, straight, blonde hair turns around. She looks young, like mid-thirties, but I think she's the same age as my mom, 43. A big smile appears on her face and she opens up her arms. My mom runs into Olivia's arms and they hug. They both have huge smiles on their faces.
I finally make my way to the bleachers. Olivia looks at me and gasps, "Oh my God! You've gotten so big and so beautiful!"
I smile and say, "Thank you."
"Aw, it has been such a long time. I remember when you and Danny played with each other. You guys used to love the sandbox we had," I can tell she is so happy, "Danny is number nine."
I see him. I have to admit, he looks really good in his uniform, "That's my soccer number," is what I say.
"Oh, cool," She says trying to act interested.
My mom starts asking Olivia for her number, e-mail, the whole nine yards.
As she's doing that, the baseball game is about to start.
Danny is batting first and I get butterflies in my stomach.
The pitcher pitches the first ball and Danny hits it. "Go Danny!" Olivia screams. My mom joins in and even I let out a scream or two.
As Danny looks at the bleachers, I can see he catches my eyes and I smile. I think I even saw him give a little smile, but then he focuses back on the game.

I could go any where

with you,

And I'd probably be happy.


Format by twilightgirl995

This quote does not exist.

When you fall asleep on the

couch and you wake up on

the couch

Confessions #7

I feel really sick when ever someone says my name because i fear i have to talk about something. Why this is a problem... well i have an issue with telling people my opinion (especially my family) about anything. 

(not a big confession but whatever)

Format by Sandrasaurus

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