Quotes added on Saturday, April 14 2012

Well tonight was amazing<3 I got to hang out with him:) We played basketball and it was just amazing to be with him and hangout with him<3 I cant explain how happy i am right now:D oh and i get to see him tomorrow to! Things are pretty good right now:D

Making smoothies. Outside. In the dark.
 Like a Boss.

Numbers start with 1,2,3
Letters start with A,B,C
Music starts with Doe, Re, Mi

Love starts with U & me

two people
with the 
worst pasts,
can create
the best

does anybody else...
mumble to that one part in every song that you dont know?
everything has beauty, just not everyone chooses to see it<3 

Cross Off the Things You Have Done
Graduated high school
Kissed Someone
Smoked a cigarette
Got so drunk you passed out
Rode in a police car for something you didn't do

Rode every ride at an amusement park
Collected something really stupid
Gone to a rock concert
Help someone
Gone fishing
Watched four movies in one night
Gone long periods of time without sleep
Lied to someone
Snorted cocaine
Failed a class
Dealt drugs

Been in a car accident
Been in a tornado
Done hard drugs
Watched someone die
Been at a funeral
Burned yourself (on accident)
Ran a marathon
Cried yourself to sleep
Spent over $200 in one day
Flown on a plane
Sat first class (1st seat ) on a plane
Cheated on someone
Been cheated on
Written a 10 page letter
Gone skiing
Been sailing
Cut yourself on accident

Had a best friend
Lost someone you loved

Shoplifted something
Been to jail
Dangerously close to being in jail
Skipped school
Skipped class
Had detention

Got in trouble for something you didn't do
Stolen books from the library
Gone to a different country

Dropped out of school
Been in a mental hospital
Been treated in a mental hospital
Watched the “Harry Potter” movies
Had an online diary
Fired a gun
Had a yard sale
Had a lemonade stand
Actually made money at the lemonade stand
Been in a school play

Been fired from a job
Taken a lie detector test
Swam with dolphins
Gone to sea world

Voted for someone on a reality TV show
Written poetry

Read more than 20 books a year
Written over a 30 page essay
Gone to Europe
Loved someone you shouldn't have
Befriended someone you shouldn't have
Used a coloring book over age 12

Had surgery
Had stitches
Taken a taxi
Seen the Washington Monument

Had more than 5 IM’s/online conversations going at once
Had a drug or alcohol problem
Relative to someone with a serious alcohol/drug problem
Been in a fist fight

Gone surfing in California
Had a hamster
Pet a wild animal

Used a credit card

Did “spirit day” at school
Dyed your hair
Got a tattoo
Had something pierced
Got straight As

Been on the honor roll
Known someone with HIV or AIDS


Stupid chip

Companies and their misleading act of puffy bags!


Family Feud
Sequeal to 'A Celebrity Sized Mistake'

Chapter 3
 Apl's P.O.V

  Fergie let out a short squeak, as a killer popped up on the screen before us.
I smirked and rolled my eyes, as she buried her face in her hands.
I thought it was funny when people got scared, especially people I'm close with. I can't help but laugh.
But it wasn't until I saw her body shutter every few minutes, did I notice she was crying.
The smile vanished from my face, I started to feel bad. Will must've noticed aswell, because he was trying to remove her hands from her face, but she pushed him away.
I could tell Will felt bad, but I knew he didn't want to leave in the middle of the movie. I glanced at Tab, and could tell he felt the same way.
I sighed, I wanted to watch the rest of the movie, but Ferg was more important.
I stood and took her by the hand; she followed me up the stairs and out of the theater, into the brightness of the hallway.
She hugged me tight around the waist, resting her head on my shoulder. I could feel her tears soaking through my shirt.
"Aww Ferg.." I said sadly, hugging her back tight.
She sniffled, tightening her grip on me, "I-I told you I was g-going to be scared.."
"Well duh." I said with a chuckle. "But I didn't think you'd be in tears. It's not that scary."
"Well it is to me!" she half yelled, pulling away from me.
Her eyes were red and puffy, and her face was tear-stained.
I sighed, "Alright, I'm sorry. Now go into the restroom and wash your face."
She disappeared into the ladies room.
I sighed once more, but got the life scared out of me when Taboo said, "Is she mad?"
I jumped and turned around, my hand placed over my heart. "Good gosh, you could have told me you were behind me!"
Him and Will exchanged glaces, with a smile plastered apon their faces.
"Is someone scared of the movie too?" Will teased, pinching my cheek.
I groaned and shoved his hand away. "No, you snuck up on me. And you know I can't see."
"Point taken."
"So you never answered my question. Is she mad?" Taboo asked again.
I shook my head, "No, just spooked." He nodded.
Fergie returned from the ladies room, looking much better.
"You okay now?" Will asked, hugging her tight.
She nodded her head, hugging him back, "I thought you and Tab were gonna watch the rest of the movie?"
"We were, but Will made us lea-" Tab started to say, before getting elbowed in the rubs hard by Will.
"We were worried about you." Will finished for him, giving him a glare.
He held the spot were Will had hit him, and stepped away. "Yeah.." he finally said.
Fergie smiled and giggled a bit, "Aww, how thoughtful." she said scarcastically, cocking an eyebrow at Tab.
He blushed and looked away.
I smirked, "So what now? The movie isn't over til 3. It's only 2:10."
Will turned to Ferg, placing a hand on her shoulder, "Since we picked the movies, you can picked where to go next."
She thought for a minute, then smiled big. Me and Taboo knew exactly what she was going to say, "Oh no! Not-"
"Shopping!" she finished for us. Will smiled, but I knew on the inside he was dreading this idea.
"Fergie, I don't feel like buying everything in LA today." I complained, crossing my arms.
"Well this is payback for making me see that stupid movie. Now let's go." she spat, and pranced off towards the exit.
Will sighed and followed, and so did I.
But suddenly Will stopped and looked behind him, just in time to see Taboo trying to sneak back into the movie theater.
He was just about to get away when Will grabbed the collar of his jacket.
"Not so fast little bro. If we're going down, you're going down with us." he then dragged Taboo down the hall and to the exit.
I couldn't help but laugh at the pout on Tab's face. 
your husband is walking around on earth right now loving you he just dosent know it yet, so forget the jerks and keep your head up high!
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