Quotes added on Saturday, September 10 2011

Confession #13
I have a thing for blonde guys

Even though YOU hurt me..iwanna see you &apologize..iwanna apologize for hating you for so long...and then i want to look into your eyes and i want u to tell me if i ever really meant anything to you...then..then ithink ill finally be okay


A Life without Prayer is like a Car without Gas

Both may look good but they are both Powerless.

SEPTEMBER 11, 2001

...they thought they made us weaker.
...when they really just made us that much stronger.

Bravery is being the only one who knows you're afraid.

Don't you worry your pretty little mind.
People throw rocks at thing that shine.

And life makes love look hard.


The other day i was with a friend,
we were happy chatty when a little kid comes
along and starts hitting us with his hat,
when we run off i hear him say
we did it we scared the pretty girls away.

That made my day. :)
Btw I'm new here can you please help
me get the formats like you all know how to?

today was a fairytale;

you were the prince, i used to be the damsel in distress.

Boys are like slinks, pointless but fun to watch fall down the stairs!!!! :)

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