Quotes added on Tuesday, December 14 2010

Secret #217
Tonight's the first night I've been happy in a while, thanks to you<3 

I feel so alone and most days I feel like a can barely move on. Friends I'm scared to make I'm afraid of getting hurt. I always feel out of the loop like I'm an outsider all the time. So close to giving up and giving in. 
Everyone has a right to be stupid, but you're abusing the privilege. 

Secret #218
It made me so much more happy than I thought it would, to see the question, Do you want to be my girlfriend as a text from you<3

Secret #219
I'm happy you feel the same way<3

Haters live too torment you, & destroy your self confidence. When your sad, their happy, when your happy, their sad or mad. when you KNO your better then them, look them in the eyes, nd smile ... when they "make~ fun~ of~ you" laugh / agree.. it will bring THEIR self confidence down.. it will make THEM feel small... NEVER let a person get you down when you KNO your better ( :

Secret #220
Maybe your helping the happy me back into my life.

Go to Google;

Write; Wheres Chuck Norris & click on im feeling lucky.
Read what it says & the "Did you mean"

Fave. If you LMAO
When you left me it was like somebody shot a bullet into my heart and it shattered
Its like being run over by a train but I'm still standing
It's like jumping out of a plane with no parachute
But I'm still here yeah I'm still here
I'm never been one to be fancy, and I'm never one to show my pain. Maybe thats why I put this mask on my face so no one sees the tears that I'm secretly crying, cuz I hate me. I used to be so sure of myself and now I barely can get out of bed. Share your feelings if you ever feel like this. 
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