Quotes added on Thursday, April 19 2007

people change, and things go wrong
But just remember
Instead of promises, give your word...
Promises are like rules: meant to be broken.

^^light pink, hot pink, light yellow
be = cursive
here`s to all the friends i met in the past ;;
the ones that stuck by my side and the
ones that dissed me later on. but to the
ones that did leave me, i just hope they`ll
remember that the day they lose everything
they think has once made them happy
i`ll still be standing right there to help them up
[ name. name. name. name. name. name ]
is living proof that shoes
can completely change
|[(your life)]|

cinderella = cursive
is living proof that shoes
can completely change
|[(your life)]|

cinderella = cursive
It's been said that there’s one word that will
free us from the weight and the pain of life.
And that word is love. And I believe that. That
doesn't mean that it hasn't been hard, or that it
won't be. It just means that I’ve found a stillness
& a bravery in myself when I’m with you. You
make me brave '& I will love you until the end
of time. This I vow to you today.
You're that guy, the one no matter
how many more guys I go through,
I'll always have a thing for you.
© he looks at me.. + my heart starts
s k i p p i n g beats ;; my face starts to
G L 0 W && M Y E Y E S start to twinkle
` ` S M i L E D <3
A lot of people think that school sucks,
But that's not exactly true, there is one fun thing to do in school... flirt,flirt,flirt!!!
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